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Pharm. A 2006 study conducted by the Kuwait University have witnessed that a medication prepared with Clove is as effective as a benzocaine gel when used as a topical anesthetic for intraoral injections. The essential oil of Clove is effective against fighting fungi, virus, bacteria and other harmful foreign bodies. The most astonishing Ayurvedic truth is that about 70% of toxic substances in the body are eliminated through exhalation and only an average of 30% remains is discarded through sweat and urine. According to Ayurveda, absolute health means striking perfect balance with nature and sickness or ill-health is an indication that a person is out of balance with nature due to irregular eating routine, change in weather conditions and behavioral changes. You can also add 1 drop of Clove leaf oil in a small cotton ball and keep it on the painful area. Excellent support for oral conditions: The antibacterial and anodyne properties of Clove and its essential oil make it an excellent cure for administering dental emergencies and oral problems. Clove is used along with saffron, sandalwood powder and mercuric chloride for treating syphilitic attacks. Sciences (Accredited by NBA), Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India, Essential Oils - Learn About and Purchase, Making money creating soaps and cosmetics, Essential Oils – Learn About and Purchase, Ayurvedic essential oils for special occasions, Ayurvedic Fragrance Oils To Back Your System This Summer, Ayurvedic Fragrance Oils For Stress And Uplifting Your Spirits, Types of Ayurveda: 2 Major Divisions of the Ayurveda Family, Super Six Tastes Of Ayurveda: A Tasty Insight,, The most popular herbalist, Hildegard of Bingen suggested Clove for treating swelling of the intestines, gout, hiccups and nasal congestion. Clove is one among those prized natural remedies in Ayurveda and is used topically for treating toothache, oral cavities, chest congestion, improper blood circulation, slow metabolism, bloating, sore throat and cough. Add that extra spice to your vaporizing ointment by adding 2 drops of Clove leaf oil, 1 drop of Citriodora oil, 1 drop of Basil essential oil and massage the chest, throat, back and temples for a quick relief from runny nose, itchy eyes, sore throat and headache. Treating your tooth pain even before visiting your dentist is as simple as biting a Clove bud in the painful tooth. Ayurveda regards human body as a temple and trusts that the pure soul dwells in. In alternative medicine, red clover is said to help with the following conditions. Get ready for an energizing steam inhalation with 2 drops of Clove leaf oil, 1 drop of Ginger oil and 1drop of Spearmint oil for loosening the phlegm accumulation, clearing the blocked nasal and bronchial passages, relieving pain associated with migraine and sinusitis. Therapeutic properties and chemical constituents of Clove leaf oil: The essential oil of Clove leaf contains eugenol (about 82 to 88%) as the major ingredient, which contributes to its numerous healing values. It is indigenous to the celebrated Spice Islands, the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia. Health Benefits. Inhaling the warming aroma by adding 1 drop of Clove leaf oil to a hankie or your wrist especially before eating can support quicker digestion. ... (0.6-0.8 inch) wide which is mostly visited by the bumblebees. contains articles on many medical topics; however, no warranty whatsoever is made that any of the articles are accurate. -By E.O. Amongst all the other essential oils in the world, Clove oil has about 10 million ORAC, which makes it the best antioxidant and is 400 times effective than the leading antioxidant fruit, wolfberry. Excess of which leads to stagnation of water deposits in the system leading to flu, cold, bronchitis, headache, fever and accumulation of phlegm and mucus deposits in the lungs, nasal area and the bronchial passages. Massaging your abdomen with 2 drops of Clove oil blended with 1 drop of Peppermint essential oil and 1 drop of Ajowan essential oil along with 2 ml of sesame oil can help in stimulating the secretion of bile, hydrochloric acid and other gastric juices responsible for digestion. Discover The Essential Oil Of Cloves Health Benefits For Toothaches, Acne, Hair & Much More: A Book On Clove Oil Secrets, The Green Pharmacy: The Ultimate Compendium Of Natural Remedies From The World’s Foremost Authority On Healing Herbs, Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen: Recipes from the East for Health, Healing, and Long Life, The Healing Properties of Clove Essential Oil by Health Impact News, Antioxidant activity of Clove – A Powerful Antioxidant Source by İlhami Gülçin, Mahfuz Elmastaş, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Clove: A Champion Spice by Parle Milind and Khanna Deepa, Pharmacology Division, Dept. Generally, the antioxidant capacity of any particular component is measured by its ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity). i have white and yellow flowering clover if im not reading your article all wrong the young,white-unbloomed flower is best for human consumption though only at measures of half a cup or less?