Peak Vista Community Health Centers, Colorado Springs Family Medicine Still University – Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, A.T. Still OPTI collaborates with other OPTIs and Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine to develop evaluation tools, curricula and other key components necessary for quality medical education of interns, residents and fellows so they become competent healthcare professionals who demonstrate compassion, integrity, and ability. Welcome from Dr. Kuhn. Internal Medicine; Radiology (Diagnostic) We currently house a dually accredited internal medicine program, as well as an AOA accredited TRI program. Our Internal Medicine Residency graduates have a 100% board certification, employment and fellowship post graduate … Antonious Anis (University of Wisconsin). Our family medicine residency took its last class in July 2017, and will remain accredited under the AOA until all of the current class has graduated this summer. Loriel Liwanag (A.T. Internal Medicine; OPTI West/Hemet Valley Medical Center. Still OPTI is recognized as an Institutional Sponsor by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). OPTI West/College Medical Center Long Beach Program: 2776 Pacific Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806: Erica Kuhn, DO (562) 997-2180: Kenny Jones (562) 997-2181: ... Internal Medicine Residency Program 1720 Cesar E Chavez Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90033: Juan C. Barrio, MD (323) 268-5000 x1607: Tracey Tierney, MSEd Copyright © 2007 - 2020 Resident Swap, Inc. -, Post Residency, Fellowship, or Attending vacant position in Internal Medicine, OPTI West/West Anaheim Medical Center Program, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center Program, Kaiser Permanente Southern California Program, University of California (San Francisco)/Fresno Program, St. Agnes Medical Center (Fresno) Program, OPTI West/Hemet Valley Medical Center Program, Scripps Clinic/Scripps Green Hospital Program, Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium Program, OPTI West/College Medical Center Long Beach Program, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine/UCLA Medical Center Program, Kaiser Permanente Southern California (Los Angeles) Program, University of Southern California/LAC+USC Medical Center Program, University of California Riverside School of Medicine Program, Kaiser Permanente Northern California (Oakland) Program, Alameda Health System-Highland Hospital Program, University of California (Irvine) Program, Riverside Community Hospital/University of California Riverside School of Medicine Program, University of California Davis Health Program, University of California (San Diego) Medical Center Program, Kaiser Permanente Northern California (San Francisco) Program, California Pacific Medical Center Program, University of California (San Francisco) Program, St Mary's Hospital and Medical Center Program, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Program, Kaiser Permanente Northern California (Santa Clara) Program, Stanford Health Care-Sponsored Stanford University Program, UHS Southern California Medical Education Consortium Program, Los Angeles County-Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Program, Kaiser Permanente Southern California, Fontana, UCSF Fresno Center for Medical Education and Research, Internal Medicine Program Director's Office, University of California (Davis) Medical Center, Los Angeles County-Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. In addition to a 3-year categorical program, we have a 3-year primary care track and a 1-year preliminary medicine training track. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine) Categorical PGY-1 (9). St. Mary Internal Medicine Residency is proud to offer the very best of academic and community medicine to its 36 trainees. Still OPTI is a consortium of teaching hospitals, colleges/universities and physicians working together to provide osteopathic graduate medical education. A.T. We are so excited that you are considering joining our ACGME accredited OPTI-West Internal Medicine Residency Program. OPTI West-College Medical Center Long Beach - Internal Medicine Residency Program (140-05-00-921) in Long Beach, California. Northeast Regional Medical Center, Kirksville, Peak Vista Community Health Centers, Colorado Springs, Capital Region Medical Center, Jefferson City, Medical College of Wisconsin Family Medicine program, The Wright Center Family Medicine Residency, An Osteopathic Manipulative Approach to Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (Lecture), Clinical Experience and Education: Fatigue Management and Mitigation, Common Biomechanical Dysfunctions of the Lower Extremity, COVID-19 ACGME Administrative and OMT Resources, Diagnosing Struggling Medical Residents and Developing SMART Improvement Plans, Diagnosis of Cranial Sphenobasilar Symphysis Somatic Dysfunction, Documenting, Billing and Coding for OMT – Part 2, System Based Practice: Teaching and Evaluated Competency in Residents, Graduate Medical Education Institutional Policy Manual, Head, Ear, Nose, Throat Conditions (Lecture), Health Literacy and Patient Centered Care, Health Literacy and Patient-Centered Care, How to Prepare for M&M: What We Have Here is a Failure to Oxygenate, Integrated Osteopathic Physical Examination, Leading Change Towards Quality Improvement, Lower Extremity Functional Anatomy and Clinical Presentations, Making CLER “Clear”: How to prepare for a CLER visit, Medical Ethical and Legal Issues Facing Today’s Physicians, Multicenter Osteopathic Pneumonia Study of the Elderly (MOPSE) – OMT Techniques, NRMC Lecture Series: Osteopathic Approach to Mechanical Low Back Pain, OMM Approaches for the Hospitalized Patient (Lecture), OMM Approaches to Pelvic Pain & UG Dysfunction, Month 1 OPP Integration Curriculum – Billing and Coding, Month 10 OPP Integration Curriculum – Musculoskeletal – Lower Extremity, Month 11 OPP Integration Curriculum – Billing and Coding, Month 12 OPP Integration Curriculum – Musculoskeletal 2 Axial, Month 13 OPP Integration Curriculum – Gastrointestinal – Lower, Month 14 OPP Integration Curriculum – Neurology 2, Month 15 OPP Integration Curriculum – OB/GYN Module, Month 16 OPP Integration Curriculum – Pediatric Patient, Month 17 OPP Integration Curriculum – Postoperative Patient (Surgery), Month 18 OPP Integration Curriculum – Geriatrics, Month 19 OPP Integration Curriculum – HENT 2, Month 2 OPP Integration Curriculum – Cardiovascular 1, Month 20 OPP Integration Curriculum – Musculoskeletal – Upper Extremity, Month 3 OPP Integration Curriculum – Musculoskeletal – 1 Axial, Month 4 OPP Integration Curriculum – Gastrointestinal – Upper, Month 5 OPP Integration Curriculum – Respiratory, Month 6 OPP Integration Curriculum – OPP Competencies, Month 7 OPP Integration Curriculum – Hospitalized Patient, Month 8 OPP Integration Curriculum – Neurology 1, Month 9 OPP Integration Curriculum – HENT 1, Osteopathic Approach to Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Osteopathic Approach to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Osteopathic Approach to Dermatologic Conditions, Osteopathic Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Osteopathic Approach to Low Back Pain in the Pregnant Patient, Osteopathic Approach to Mechanical Low Back Pain, Osteopathic Approach to Myocardial Infarction, Osteopathic Approach to Plantar Fasciitis, Osteopathic Approach to Shoulder Enthesopathies, Osteopathic Approach to the Pregnant Patient, Osteopathic Approach to Trochanteric Bursitis, Osteopathic Considerations in Geriatrics (Lecture), Osteopathic Considerations in Pelvic Pain and Urogenital Dysfunction (Lecture), OPP Competency-Based Educational Resources, OPP & OMM Recorded Lectures, Labs & Workshops, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Assessing OMM & OPP Competencies, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Documenting and Coding for OMM, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Lab-Teaching OMM I, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Lab-Teaching OMM II, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Lab-Teaching OMM III, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Osteopathic Recognition, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Supervising Procedures, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Teaching Assessment I, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Teaching Assessment II, Founder’s Day 2017 OMT/OPP Preceptor Training: Teaching Assessment III, Motions and Somatic Dysfunctions of the Lower Extremity, OMT Intensive Review & Practical Prep: 5-Model Application to Case Presentations, OMT Intensive Review & Practical Prep: Counterstrain, OMT Intensive Review & Practical Prep: Muscle Energy Treatment Part I, OMT Intensive Review & Practical Prep: Muscle Energy Treatment Part II, OMT Intensive Review & Practical Prep: Muscle Energy Treatment Part III, OMT Intensive Review & Practical Prep: Tension Headaches, OMT Intensive Review & Practical Prep: Welcome & Overview, Osteopathic Approach to Atelectasis in the Postsurgical Patient, Osteopathic-Focused Residency Faculty Development: Assessing OPP Competencies, Osteopathic-Focused Residency Faculty Development: Documenting and Billing for OMM, Osteopathic-Focused Residency Faculty Development: Integrating OPP into Residency Programs, Osteopathic-Focused Residency Faculty Development: Introduction, Osteopathic-Focused Residency Faculty Development: Supervising – Inpatient/Outpatient Pt I, Osteopathic-Focused Residency Faculty Development: Supervising OMM and Documentation Requirement, Osteopathic-Focused Residency Faculty Development: Supervising – Inpatient/Outpatient Pt II, Supervising OMM and Documentation Requirements, Osteopathic Manipulative Approach to TMJ Dysfunction, Osteopathic Principles and Practice Elective – Video Resources, Preparing for Retirement: A Safer Approach, Primer on Sacral Diagnosis and Treatment (Lecture), Reimbursement for Research Supplies & Expenses, Research Part 1: Research and the Research Question, Research Part 2: Sample Selection and Measurement Issues, Research Part 3: Designing a Research Study, 04 Research in an Academic Health Science Center vs a Community-Based Hospital, 05 Evaluating Medical Research Literature, 11 Measurement Issues and Proving Causality, Resident Research & Scholarly Activity Funding Opportunities, Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER), Impact of Trauma on the Brain: Screening for Trauma, Managing Risk & Maximizing Your Future (2018), Oh No, The Real World Awaits Me As An Attending, Physician Burnout, Depression and Substance Abuse, Sample Selection and Measurement Issues (2018), Sustaining Provider Well-Being During COVID-19, System Based Practice: Excelling in this ACGME requirement as a resident, Resources to Support Your Well-being During COVID-19, Roster – Basic Science and Clinical Research Mentors, Scoliosis and Short Leg: An OMM Approach- Part 2 Lecture, Scoliosis and Short Leg: An OMM Approach-Part 1 Lecture, Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences in an Integrated System, SOAP Note, OMT Documentation Requirements, and OMT Billing, The Art and Science of OMT During Pregnancy, The Osteopathic Approach to Constipation and Bowel Ileus, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome – OMM Didactic Presentation, Welcome New Residents (Osteopathic Recognition, Still OPTI, and You), Still OPTI Osteopathic Principles & Practice Committee, Travel Award for Resident Research & Scholarly Activity.