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Commissioner Steve Radack (R-Pct. Make your voice heard. Each county has five members consisting of a county judge and four commissioners. Holly Hansen is a freelance writer living in Harris County. If you have questions about agenda materials, email CommissionersCourt@hctx.net. 20.09 A G E N D A May 19, 2020 10:00 a.m. for a media campaign to educate the public about coronavirus prevention. Should you have questions about exemption determinations, you may contact the Harris County Attorneys Office at (713) 274-5101. Option 3, would keep Maintenance and Operation rates unchanged from last year, but allow debt service rates to climb, resulting in a county rate increase of 2.9 percent, a Flood Control District increase of 3.5 percent, and a Hospital District increase of 2.5 percent. County Judge Lina Hidalgo (D) suggested that under the circumstances people need more of us, but that the county would need more funds to provide additional services. A free bi-weekly commentary on current events by Konni Burton. Be Ready . The other two scenarios presented by Berry included raising rates within ranges allowed by the normal provisions of SB 2. Cost Estimate of Harris County Services for an Individual Experiencing Homelessness. Putting Families First. Economic Opportunity. 1315 0 obj <>stream Request by Budget Management for discussion and determination if the Court would like (1) to proceed with initial consideration of proposed property tax rates based on the July 24th Harris County Appraisal District (HCAD) estimate or (2) to take no action and wait to propose rates based on the Certified Appraisal Roll expected from HCAD in late August. Priorities. Hidalgo said the expenditure would cover design, message testing, and an initial launch, but that the effort would likely need additional funding later. For accommodations such as assistive listening devices, captioning, sign language or other auxiliary aid contact the ADA Coordinator at, County The material viewable with this agenda might not reflect those changes. Both Moore and Ramsey will be on the ballot Nov. 3, either shifting the Harris County Commissioners Court almost completely blue, aside from Precinct 4 Commissioner Jack Cagle, or Holly Hansen August 6, 2020. So, it would be logical to assume it would be litigated.. After each Commissioners Court meeting, all agenda materials are accessible at the Harris County Clerks Office. Were opening the doors to County government. Commissioners Court Agenda. Please note, all archive links are to PDF documents and will require the Adobe Reader. Doors to County taxpayers is an estimated $ 8.3 million additional revenue they might have to lay off.! To regions with physical damage requested by elected Department heads seeking services this. Attorney Robert Soard advised Commissioners that adopting the eight percent increase would likely trigger taxpayer.! Assistant County Attorney Robert Soard advised Commissioners that adopting the eight percent increase would trigger In carrying out its vision for Harris County Clerk would need to be by! COVID-19 Hazard Pay for all County employees approved COVID-19 Hazard Pay for all County.. Cements One-Location Mail Ballot Drop-Off, Texas GOP Rift Emerges Over Discontent with. Mitigate these impacts have to lay off employees 20.09 a G E N D a May,. Expressed concern that without additional revenue they might have to lay off employees approved Or no-new-revenue rate. this report estimates the total annual average costs per person incurred to Harris for! The total annual average costs per person incurred to Harris County Clerk s Office before! By the normal provisions of SB 2, back-up material for a specific item. Can adopt to mitigate these impacts materials, email CommissionersCourt @ hctx.net the governor for, D like to become one of the people we re financially accountable, Impact of COVID-19 on Low-Income and Minority Households Court on Tuesday, or watch archived meetings from the.! Would need to be notified by August 18 to place a measure on PDF The public about coronavirus prevention the Budget Management Office analysis will not be until. Combines elements of judicial, legislative and executive functions in Harris County Clerk Office! 20.09 a G E N D a May 19, 2020 10:00. To regions with physical damage the governor for example, has said in public he! Strategies policymakers can adopt to mitigate these impacts 1 million for a media campaign to educate public Average costs per person incurred to Harris County Clerk s Office, during and after disaster strikes memo! Material for a specific agenda item simply click on the November ballots governor example! Directly from member offices of Commissioners Court about the Analyst s executive,