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June Millicent Jordan (July 9, 1936–June 14, 2002) was a Jamaican American [[Bisexual community|self-identified bisexual] poet, essayist, teacher, and activist. The most profound Truths  However, our presence of mind isn't always open to its message that would require us to reflect and change, so we tend to ignore it at the moment. Are not profound due to their complexity, At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. Im kinda perplexed and astonished! RSS Feed, Podcasts (Readings, Calls, iTunes). I sincerely hope that the truth of this prophecy comes to pass, that we look within ourselves and see that we are the ones and that the hour is now. They are hidden by us. KindSpring - a portal of small acts of kindness. "All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and celebration" Thank you for posting this so it was so easy to find. June 7 2020 only to come to find that tomorrow this Prophecy will be 20 years old. It came back to me this morning--and here we are. The author of several books of poetry, June Jordan was born in 1936, in New York City. Sat with Grand Father David while he sang songs as we both cried. In my email Im telling this very powerful group that we have to celebrate abundance and know that we are the one we been waiting for. DailyGood - A little bit of good news everyday! The years pass and he attains fame and fortune, but he is haunted by regret that he never ventured through his door again. ServiceSpace Blog - volunteer reflections. KarmaTube - be-the-change videos to inspire. For the everlasting cycle continues to create more life with the impressions of love through it's creations. We all should respect and honor the caretakers of the Earth ! In fact, the Buddha says, our constant hurrying is often a kind of anesthesia. A gentle reminder that THIS IS IT! So long as we keep moving, we can put it off.". June Millicent Jordan was a Caribbean-American poet, novelist, journalist, biographer, dramatist, teacher and committed activist. It is in our sitting in it, with it and working around it, with humility, the  stillness and patience in waiting for its answer while maintaining peace of mind and presence too that we are living in the the ONE that is our innate wisdom. May this message of love connect us all for that the link between everything is connected to one the Divine. While reading this I had a moment of razor-sharp clarity that brought my entire being into the present moment. ------------------------------ We have many many personalities, faces, upsanddowns, and we came thru all of it with different faces,.Now at the end of the game we are awaiting for. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed. We use this to close our 11th hour calling every 11th day of the month at 11 am to awaken people about the Climate Crisis and do so with our instruments of sound with spiritual context. They will try to hold on to the shore. CFSites, PledgePage - tools to support NGOs. IM writing the most powerful email that I have ever written right now and I quoted this Prophecy. As pure as water the message of love and giving unconditionally generates the growth of abundance to all in which it is consumed. I'm here to wake people up and chew bubblegum.... And I'm all outta bubblegum! Some join together and release their ego. We are the ONES We'be been waiting for! Wells about a child who wanders down an unfamiliar street and spots a door in a plain white masonry wall. There’s something about the lines where’s your water , Know your garden that speak to me. The time of awakening is here. Does anyone know how to reach the hopi elders? What ever life brings us it is life celebrate it. but rather due to their simple deep insight I remember when this beautiful teaching first circulated on the internet after having been revealed. This is where I must release my own ego. He opens it and discovers a garden where everything is welcoming and full of peace--a place where he belongs. Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time! "Know the river has its destination", The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears ( Native American wisdom .) We then know what life really is and really isn't. The time of the lone wolf is over. Thank you. In her writing she explored issues of gender, race, immigration, and representation. Voices of strife and worry, anger and ego, fear and aggression were pointed out to me yesterday. If you'd like to suggest a thought or want to drop us a suggestion, drop us a note. Be ye not afraid. Remain close to the great spirit. Show great respect for your fellow beings. Just this week I have become aware of the "rushing river" washing around me. how i understood it! I know what I've seen and it was either a memory or warning. All in which are sacred to it's divine relationship to all. We are heading for the ultimate control understand a nasty dictatorship. And there are things to be considered…. Thank you to Roberto who told me to read the Hopi Elder poems. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt. Treat the Earth and all that dwell therein with respect. I need an elder to call me Pahana has returned as told by proficy.