", " The Prayer Book of 1552, the Ordinal of 1550, which it took over, the act of uniformity which made the Prayer Book the only legal form of worship, and the Forty-two Articles binding upon all Englishmen, clerical and lay—these between them comprehended the protestant Reformation in England. (function() { [88] Edward summarised the charges against Somerset in his Chronicle: "ambition, vainglory, entering into rash wars in mine youth, negligent looking on Newhaven, enriching himself of my treasure, following his own opinion, and doing all by his own authority, etc. [130] The Ordinal of 1550 replaced the divine ordination of priests with a government-run appointment system, authorising ministers to preach the gospel and administer the sacraments rather than, as before, "to offer sacrifice and celebrate mass both for the living and the dead". The official website for BBC History Magazine, BBC History Revealed and BBC World Histories Magazine, William Cecil’s name is indelibly linked to the reign of Elizabeth I. [181] Another theory held that Edward had been poisoned by Catholics seeking to bring Mary to the throne. In 1550, he signed a peace treaty with France that agreed to withdrawal from Boulogne and recalled all English garrisons from Scotland. Elizabeth was born to Henry and second wife Anne Boleyn, but when Anne failed to give him a male heir the marriage was annulled and Elizabeth — also not a boy — was declared illegitimate. The pope was, once again, recognized as the head of the church in England. [43], At the coronation service, Cranmer affirmed the royal supremacy and called Edward a second Josiah,[44] urging him to continue the reformation of the Church of England, "the tyranny of the Bishops of Rome banished from your subjects, and images removed". [109] He saw that to achieve personal dominance, he needed total procedural control of the Council. "His detailed reports to his master are a hideous record of fire and bloodshed, chronicled in the most factual and laconic manner. "[171], Edward became ill during January 1553 with a fever and cough that gradually worsened. [21], Both Edward's sisters were attentive to their brother and often visited him – on one occasion, Elizabeth gave him a shirt "of her own working". In this view, as expressed by Diarmaid MacCulloch, it is "premature to use the label 'Protestant' for the English movement of reform in the reigns of Henry and Edward, even though its priorities were intimately related to what was happening in central Europe. [81] A complex aspect of the social unrest was that the protesters believed they were acting legitimately against enclosing landlords with the Protector's support, convinced that the landlords were the lawbreakers. 3. 3, Jane Seymour, finally had a boy, crowned Edward VI when Henry shuffled off this mortal coil in 1547 when Edward was all of 10. Then to the L Margets heires masles. Your Majesty’s most humble sister, Elizabeth. Elizabeth was not a religious person, she had seen how religion had torn the country apart, beginning with the reign of her father. [7] The Queen, however, fell ill on 23 October from presumed postnatal complications, and died the following night. [155], In early June, Edward personally supervised the drafting of a clean version of his devise by lawyers, to which he lent his signature "in six several places. [193], It now dawned on the Privy Council that it had made a terrible mistake. She was succeeded by Blanche Herbert, Lady Troy. One of the issues Elizabeth had to face was the question of the religion of the country. Beseeching God long to preserve you to his honor, to your comfort, to the realms profit, and to my joy. He hosted royal visits and indulged his enjoyment of horticulture and collecting, filling his houses with books and paintings. [6] Queen Jane, appearing to recover quickly from the birth, sent out personally signed letters announcing the birth of "a Prince, conceived in most lawful matrimony between my Lord the King's Majesty and us". She would later say, "My husband is my country, England.". [177] He was buried in the Henry VII Lady Chapel at Westminster Abbey on 8 August 1553, with reformed rites performed by Thomas Cranmer. Edward's surroundings and possessions were regally splendid: his rooms were hung with costly Flemish tapestries, and his clothes, books, and cutlery were encrusted with precious jewels and gold. My picture I mean, in which if the inward good mind toward your grace might as well be declared as the outward face and countenance shall be seen, I would nor have “taried” the commandment but prevent it, nor have been the last to grant but the first to offer it. [71], In summer 1548, a pregnant Catherine Parr discovered Thomas Seymour embracing Lady Elizabeth. Should England stay a Catholic nation, or move back to a Protestant nation? These English pirates preyed on Spanish ships carrying products back to Spain. [180] The Duke of Northumberland, whose unpopularity was underlined by the events that followed Edward's death, was widely believed to have ordered the imagined poisoning. Cecil married Cheke’s sister Mary in 1541. [105] In the weekly meetings with this Council, Edward was "to hear the debating of things of most importance". : an historiographical survey '', and the notion of a godly commonwealth in 1587, Fotheringhay... 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