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All the way From my dependency A letra descreve sentimentos confusos Kiedis sobre drogas, que começa já nas primeiras linhas com: "my tendency/for dependency/is offending me" (minha tendência/para dependência/é ofender-me). O estilo musical é de natureza imprevisível e inquietante, que é geralmente mantida ao longo do álbum inteiro. Descended from It's warping me -- David Trueman Product Description Como a maioria das músicas do One Hot Minute, não foi tocada ao vivo desde a partida de Navarro da banda em 1997.,, Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 3.0 Não Adaptada (CC BY-SA 3.0) da Creative Commons. Warped [1] Warner Bros., however, saw the video and instantly wanted it thrown away, considering it to be unmarketable and that the kiss and homoerotic imagery would alienate a large portion of the band's fan base. Night craving What you see All the way When a waitress wouldn't take him home, Jack wrote what would become one of the Eagles most enduring hits. Struggle with We of the RHCP family would like to wish Jack Sherman smooth sailing into the worlds beyond, for he has passed. 商品詳細ページを閲覧すると、ここに履歴が表示されます。チェックした商品詳細ページに簡単に戻る事が出来ます。, © 1996-2020,, Inc. or its affiliates. アーティスト: Red Hot Chili Peppers (レッドホットチリペッパーズ), Factory of Faith: Live 2011 (信仰の工場: ライブ 2011年), Best of Red Hot Chili Peppers [Collectables] (赤のベスト レッドホットチリペッパーズ [収集品]), The Red Hot Chili Peppers Phenomenon (レッドホットチリペッパーズ現象), Live at Slane Castle [Video] (ライヴ ・ アット ・ スレーン城 [ビデオ]), Live at Slane Castle [UMD] (ライヴ ・ アット ・ スレーン城 [UMD]), Greatest Hits [Warner Bros.] (グレイテスト ・ ヒッツ [ワーナー ・ ブラザーズ]), Greatest Hits [Japan Bonus Track] (グレイテスト ・ ヒッツ [日本ボーナス トラック]), Californication [Import Bonus VCD] (カリフォルニケイション [インポート ボーナス VCD]), Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers (カバーの下で: 本質的な赤唐辛子), Uplift Mofo Party Plan [Japan Bonus Tracks] (隆起ハンパ パーティー プラン [日本ボーナス トラック]), The Uplift Mofo Party Plan (隆起ハンパ パーティー プラン), Freaky Styley [Japan Bonus Tracks] (気紛れクロスメディアスタイリー [日本ボーナス トラック]), Freaky Styley [Bonus Tracks] (気紛れクロスメディアスタイリー [ボーナス トラック]), The Red Hot Chili Peppers (レッド ・ ホット ・ チリ ・ ペッパーズ), Sweet Georgia Brown-14 (スウィート ・ ジョージア ・ ブラウン-14), The Jazz & Swing Collection (ジャズ ・ スイング コレクション), Fly International Luxurious Art-1 (飛ぶ国際豪華なアート 1). Eddie (played by Johnny Depp in the video) found fame fleeting, but Chuck Berry's made-up musician fared better. Red Hot Chili Peppers – Warped [Official Music Video]:,,,,,, 。クラウドに好きなだけ写真も保存可能。, Amazonはお客様のセキュリティとプライバシーの保護に全力で取り組んでいます。Amazonの支払いセキュリティシステムは、送信中にお客様の情報を暗号化します。お客様のクレジットカード情報を出品者と共有することはありません。また、お客様の情報を他者に販売することはありません。, このショッピング機能は、Enterキーを押すと商品を読み込み続けます。このカルーセルから移動するには、見出しのショートカットキーを使用して、次の見出しまたは前の見出しに移動してください。, それまでのレッチリらしさとデイヴ・ナヴァロの激しさの中に独特な浮遊感のあるセンスが奇跡的なバランスで融合している名盤だと思う。, 発売当時に買ったのですがあまり聞きこむことなく売ってしまったので、また聞きたくなって買いました。けっこういい曲が入っていると思います。. Vocalist' vocals are distorted and echoed throughout, and contrast dramatically with the rapping present on the band’s previous material, especially on their more fast-paced songs such as this; short lines are stretched to fill an entire measure. [Chorus] [1] The band came to a consensus to let the kiss remain on the final cut, prompting a backlash from the more conservative segments of their audience, who took offense at the action. My tendency Warped (ゆがんだ) 歌詞 アーティスト: Red Hot Chili Peppers (レッドホットチリペッパーズ) アルバム: One Hot Minute (1 つの熱い分) Ever being there Last edit on Feb 10, 2014. Glenn Frey of the Eagles played a bad guy in a 1985 episode of Miami Vice based on his song "Smuggler's Blues. All the way Demented men "Warped" é uma canção do Red Hot Chili Peppers de seu álbum One Hot Minute. A B-side "Melancholy Mechanics" aparece no filme Twister. Does it show Is offending me Like the majority of songs from One Hot Minute, it has not been played live since 1996. Well worth a listen. [Chorus]. View interactive tab. It was banned by the BBC, which sent it to #1 in the UK as listeners flocked to record stores to buy it. That's full of holes There are, however, some great tracks on here still. This song made its live debut at the Woodstock Festival in 1994, although with much different lyrics. Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença. Was Janet secretly married at 18? So rare to dare A música nem o vídeo de acompanhamento foi incluído no Greatest hits the )... Video for `` Warped '' é uma canção do Red Hot Chili Peppers de seu álbum One Hot Minute been... Think it suffers without John e inquietante, que é geralmente mantida ao longo do álbum.., about `` shagging. of an unpredictable and unsettling nature, is... Shoot and finished several days later Kiedis said of the RHCP family would like to wish Jack smooth..., we did n't need them anymore canção do Red Hot Chili Peppers de seu álbum One Hot,... Thinking nothing of it, they continued to shoot and finished several days later of it, continued..., added to favorites 65 times Author Unregistered: `` If they could n't accept what we were doing we... 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