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Get local Breaking News alerts sent directly to your inbox. Required fields are marked *, Meghan is a mom to two sassy girls in Atlanta. Interview with Jane Seymour and Cheech Marin - The War with Grandpa, Get a Taste of Brazil in Fast and Furious Spy Racers Rio (Giveaway), Interview with Laura Marano and Oakes Fegley – The War with Grandpa. Well, obviously, the cast is insane. If you would like to feature a project, recipe or tutorial, please contact me for permission. At 15 years old, actor Oakes Fegley has already racked up some impressive credits on his resume. According to him, there’s some incredible work done in the past that he would love to revisit and is really fun to look back at. The movie does have some big names. I want to thank our mom press that was here with us our family press outlets. HB: That is a good question I want to know too. Actor Oakes Fegley has some seriously impressive credits on his resume at a tender age of 15. We're not really pranksters ourselves, but there was definitely just a lot of I think fun and just general positive energy and attitude on set, but there wasn't really any you know mischief occurring. It's so funny, and my mom said the same thing. I have a young daughter; she's seven years old. I'm Heather Brooker. And one scene, in particular, we have like a little bit of a screaming match, and I was nervous about the scene, but it went super well, which was awesome. It is really shocking to hear a 15-year-old teen considering Martin Scorsese directed film to be his hard-boiled favorite as Robert De Niro’s Travis Bickle ventures into some seedy, violent, and dark territory in the film. HB: Awesome, okay I want to head over to Meghan Cooper. Your email address will not be published. Oakes Fegley (born November 11, 2004) is an American child actor. In one interview, he even stated that he has a large collection of videogames. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. He also hopes the movie is going to give some families a break from dealing with all the emotions of the coronavirus pandemic. TM: I think you did an amazing job playing Peter. I think what actually even made it more intimidating is that they didn't. HB: A lot of peach themes going on in Georgia, we totally get that. The cinematic adaptation of author Brian Selznick’s family-friendly tale Wonderstruck, the live-action remake of Disney’s Pete’s Dragon, and the hot debated film version of The Goldfinch is the most recent one among the others that have landed among this young man’s credits. I spent so much time with Poppy, who was five at the time and her mom, and it was like she's the spunkiest funniest girl ever, so I feel like we had so many stories of she would make me laugh constantly. It is a bit weird to know that a young teenager who is currently starring in a film like The War with Grandpa has seen Taxi Driver but he has the permission of watching an R-rated film by himself now. "Mr. De Niro is definitely an incredible person to work with. Enjoy some chaos with us. Well I know you guys, I don't know if you can see it, but there are lots of questions coming in from our press, our family press folks over here, so I want to get right to them, so they have an opportunity to speak with you. He is known for his supporting role as Paul Swann in the film Fort Bliss, for playing Samaritan's human avatar Gabriel in the series Person of Interest, for starring as Pete in the 2016 Disney film Pete's Dragon and more recently for starring as Young Theo Decker in the 2019 adaptation of The Goldfinch HB: And now laura, you sort of represent your character really represents this sort of misunderstanding that happens a lot between parents and their kids, especially moms and teen girls. Success! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I mean it was really interesting, but when I first heard that was what was going to happen, it was just definitely obviously a bit intimidating but immediately was exciting and just something that sparked a lot of interest and a lot of passion for a new film and something new to work on, so definitely was immediately interested and intrigued, and yeah, I had that passion from the get-go. For this very reason, Oakes Fegley explained why he is so familiar with the Taxi Driver. Tell me about playing her and also playing opposite Uma Thurman. So I want to let everyone know, I'm going to ask a couple of quick questions, and then we're going to open it up to questions from our bloggers who are joining us An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. LM: Yeah, I think also I think just real talk talking to the grandparents being like it shouldn't be a pride thing we're all family. Minor grammar, redundancies and to remove pause breaks like um, uh and. 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