Many of us were caught by surprise,because transgenic animals and the associated somatic cell nuclear transfercloning began in the late 1990s (Why Clone At All?, I-SIS report),and have been practically abandoned a decade later on account of the lowsuccess rates on top of the unacceptably high rates of death and abnormalities,and s… It is also biodegradable and compatible with the human body. There has not not been sufficient enough research on the goats themselves. Although no disadvantages are known, there may be possible effects of the spider goat. As the spider goat’s milk is apparently drinkable and just like any other goat milk, it may come into people’s concerns if the milk that they produce will harm the human body. With all genetically modified animals or plants, there comes many limitations. In a sense, spider-goats are an extension of the farming we've been doing for 10,000 years. In the past transgenic animals have had records of being unhealthy and having shorter life spans. Genetically modified goats at a farm in the US are being farmed to produce large quantities of spider silk, one of the strongest known substances. Despite the range of ‘synthetic biology’ examples out there, in this post I have decided just to concentrate on the spider-goats, the transgenic poster girls of the moment. Also the spider web produced by these goats are only have 30% of the strength has natural silk from spiders. It is five times stronger than steel of the same diameter. Within the past two years, a concerted media campaign hasbeen launched to promote the ‘spider-goat’, a goat genetically engineered toproduce spider silk proteins in its milk. All livestock and arable has been carefully bred, each cross being a genetic experiment of its own. Spider silk is incredibly lightweight yet strong.