Business titles or corporate titles are given to those who have a high level of responsibility for a company's success and profitability. Business titles and responsibilities likely have a wide range depending on each company and their needs. They are also responsible for managing the accounting and finance divisions of a company to ensure reports are finished accurately and on time. A corporation is made up of shareholders, directors, and officers. Likewise, other companies may decide to integrate industry-specific officers, like a chief gaming officer (CGO), a common position for computer or video game companies. They are the individuals who must strategize, plan and collaborate to keep a company or organization operating efficiently. These titles include: Tier 2 business titles are considered middle management of a company. Middle managers are semi-executive positions that are responsible for leading teams of employees and ensuring their productivity aligns with the organization's goals. In this article, we’ll give you a complete guide on how to select the appropriate job titles … Partner-co owner of a legal partnership and also known as the associate. President-presides over the various departments and is member of the board. Use of this site is subject to terms and conditions. This title is similar to or the same as a chief of marketing, chief information officer or chief marketing officer. Corporate officers—like directors—must discharge their duties in good faith, with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances, and in a manner they reasonably believe to be in the best interests of the corporation. Executive job titles are used to describe individuals who have C-level jobs. These roles are direct subordinates of Tier 1 business titles. Business titles or corporate titles are the titles that are given to officials working in organizations to mark their duties, responsibilities and level of work. In other words, they carry the responsibility of managing day-to-day business for the corporation. Chairman of board-the chairman of the board presides over the board of directors of the corporation and he/she also influences the decisions of the board. Business titles or corporate titles are given to those who have a high level of responsibility for a company's success and profitability. The COO is the second chain of command in an organization and usually oversees the other executives. C-level executives are responsible for the strategizing and decision-making that contributes to the success of a company or organization. For instance, a CIO may recreate a website that attracts more customers or they may integrate new software to assist with inventory management. Here are 10 technical skills that could help boost your HR resume and stand out to employers. National Average Salary: $101,839 per year. These titles include: As you create your HR resume, include relevant human resource skills. They may also create policies and operations strategies that they must communicate to employees to ensure employees are aligned with corporate goals. They report directly to the CEO and work closely with them to provide the organization with strategy, vision and financial management. They may not apply to all companies and hence only these common titles have been mentioned. This enables innovation by updating platforms, digital tools, technologies and services. They are the visionaries of a company and often set the tone and corporate culture. They are the individuals who must strategize, plan and collaborate to keep a company or organization operating efficiently. Primary Responsibilities: Chief information officers are in charge of information technology within a corporation. Other vice presidents work in middle management and deal more directly with the workforce as supervisors of middle management. In a financial institution, a CFO is the highest-ranking executive. In other words, they carry the responsibility of managing day-to-day business for the corporation. This role may also work closely with project managers for specific programs they need to develop budgets for. National Average Salary: $127,622 per year. Most executives perform many job duties that may not be directly related to their job title. They also manage and motivate teams for quality assurance and productivity. Primary Responsibilities: Chief talent officers are in charge of talent acquisition within a company.