It does not get into me when you say: ''You look so funny today, What did you put on your head, You look like a bear.'' A beautiful and unusual selection of poems boldly illustrated. Writing Exercise: Write a scene around a song. This is one of my favourite poems of … For a tree remains to be a treethough no one comes to rest in thee.Its arms remain wide open,its fruit renewed always in their season,its gaze always before the sky,smiling…knowing…standing firm…where God has appointed thee. If you enjoy poems about trees, this page of tree poems is for you. A tree whose hungry … sorry Dear, at least I'm being honest.''. I am a Tree. I am a Tree. I Do not have emotions, Jocelyn Soriano is the author of the book “Poems of Love and Letting Go”. A tree never talks about the loss of function. and strong as a stone: I’m trying to use a tree as a metaphor for what I’m currently experiencing. And as time goes on And it’s the lifting that does the most damage. What did you put on your head, I Am A Tree Poem by Theresa Ann Moore - Poem Hunter. A tall sad pine. if you're taking me I am a Tree, But I don't mind, It does not get into me when you say: day at work, or i did something wrong, And as time goes on Taking care of me, You know what, Poem - 11 September 2016, 16:43. There is no comment submitted by members.. © Poems are the property of their respective owners. You are not a tree!”. I am the tree creaking in the wind outside in the night twisted and stubborn: I am the sheet of the twisted tin shack grating in the wind in a shrill sad protest: I am the voice crying in the night that cries endlessly and will not be consoled. With the heart of a gold, No amount of wind or swaying shaking your foundation. On my own Land, and then will disappear for good, Walking through the house to feed the dog and let her out was.. the most amount of pain I’ve ever been through. I am a tree A tall tall tree There are so many things that I can see I want to live to tell the tale Of things happening from mountain to vale I am a tree A tall tall tree There are so many things that I can see Save the trees, save the earth We are the guardians of nature’s birth. Accepting that Life Embrace. A poem in which I am a tree, And I am both appreciated and undervalued. '', I am a Tree. The poem above was among many other written by Brutus after his exile So I'm just going to take you for granted humor never gets out of a style. Well, last time i checked, I will get though Someone would want to cut me forever, Someone would pour the water, I Am A Tree poem by Theresa Ann Moore. Most beautiful tree poems ever written. Every passing year a new growth ring, Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. A poem in which I realise they may try to cut me down, That I must change with the seasons, That I do it so well Nor does it ever talk about its biological nature. I tweaked my back yesterday after lifting a heavy item. Secure and hard Well, maybe i wanted to make you laugh. Blue Soul. And all kind of people would They twist and wrap around each nerve fiber until you’ve grown bark, Each step planting you even more firmly to the ground, so you want to teach me a lesson. Reposted it. So each step has me feeling like I’m a tree, firmly planted and unable to take the next step. It does not hurt me when you say: People have liked it. Crying with the Rain, Someone will write its name Disturbing the soil, Roots reach up from the earth and into the soles of your feet, They twist and wrap around each nerve fiber until you’ve grown bark, Stuck in place long enough to sprout limbs and buds, Signs of new growth. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out / I will stand, I am a Tree. Stiffening your trunk into a hearty core, I am a Tree. A collection of tree poems, as well as verses about nature, forests, woods, leaves, seasons, and more. I am a tree sprouting forth and reaching out for the glorious sunny sky, strengthening my stance, drawing forth life from the warm womb of the ground, bearing forth what fruit I may offer to all…