Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Dictionary of English Synonymes (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: poetaster (n.) Synonyms: rhymester, petty poet, inferior poet. Lists. Specifically, poetaster has ... Educalingo cookies are used to personalize ads and get web traffic statistics. Antonyms for poetaster. poetaster synonyms - similar meaning - 78. His epitaph hailed him as "a pattern of christian virtues, and a model of the pastoral character," and an anonymous, Diverse narrative voices and perspectives tell different stories about politics, erotics, and poetics in such disorganized organization that some critics have even sought to dismiss the book as the clumsy work of a posthumous editor or a later, Here and throughout the book his tone is both judicious and generous, with often a touch of humor (as when he says of Jonson's drama, Thoreau was undoubtedly beneficial to his community through his temp work as "a Schoolmaster--a private Tutor, a Surveyor--a Gardener, a Farmer--a Painter, I mean a House Painter, a Carpenter, a Mason, a Day-Laborer, a Pencil-Maker, a Glass-paper Maker, a Writer, and sometimes a, In quick succession I've just watched (and heard) R S Thomas reading A Welsh Landscape, Ted Hughes reading from Crow, Sheenagh Pugh, Simon Armitage, Tony Curtis (all three of them, the film star, the Irish, Most of all, however, The Monster Loves His Labyrinth identifies its author as a vital member of an international, ever-dwindling club of secular humanists, that worldly, cosmopolitan, mildly hedonistic, fiercely agnostic generation of writers for whom a devotion to the arts is both a religious and political calling, and whose bitter experience of Cold War-era ideology has led them to approach the hack journalist and the starry-eyed, There are limits to artistic self-indulgence, limits to how long a filmmaker can keep spinning his creative wheels before his work approaches self-parody, and limits to the tolerance of even a devoted specialized audience for artistic vacuity, and they are all well exceeded by "The Limits of Control." 9 Oct. 2020. 2014.. Synonyms: Search en poetaster. Theme music by Joshua Stamper ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP. Synonyms Antonyms Definitions Examples Parts of speech. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Search Dictionary Synonyms … «Poetaster» Poetaster, like rhymester or versifier, is a contemptuous name often applied to bad or inferior poets. Web. Got it . What made you want to look up poetaster? How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Name that government! Learn a new word every day. We truly appreciate your support. This discerningly photographed travelogue of modern Spain features Jim Jarmusch in shallow, If all this were simply derivative, it would hardly have had the impact on Peele's contemporaries that is attested to in Shakespeare's 2 Henry IV, where Pistol garbles Mahamet's lines into "feed and be fat, my fair Calipolis" (2.4.176) a moment after his reference to "pack-horses / And hollow pampered jades of Asia" (160-1), and Jonson's, Jonson replied to this implicit boast not only by repeatedly claiming a better, Horatian model for his classicism and satiric stance, but specifically in, As Cathcart argues in his close reading of this brief and nondescript poem, Weever probably infuriated Jonson by casting him as Marston's "junior partner" (43) and by visualizing Marston, not Jonson, as a type of Horace, a role Jonson coveted for himself and memorialized in his stage depiction of himself as Horace in, The opposing side, led by the dubiously virile, (22) This critical disapproval, dismissing him as a, This highly charged verse that sets the tone for the new stanzas carries over to the final stanza of the later editions in which the speaker exclaims, "I too can hunt a. 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