The pass rate for first-time applicants was 64.0 percent overall. Refer to the general bar exam page for more information. July 2019 Washington bar exam pass rates have been released by the Washington State Bar Association. 7,764 applicants completed the exam. The mean scaled Multistate Bar Examination score on the July 2019 Bar Exam was 1428, compared with the national average of 1411. This means an MBE score of approximately 119 raw (119/175) is passing. California Bar Examination Statistics. Cumulative Pass Rate Statistics of California-Accredited Law Schools; California Bar Examination Studies Fact Sheet; February 2020 February 2019: July 2019: February 2018: July 2018: February 2017: July 2017: February 2016: July 2016: February 2015: Examination Pass List. According to the Washington State Bar Association, 430 candidates passed the Uniform Bar Exam. Statistics from the July 2019 General Bar Exam. There are currently no exam results available. July 2019 Washington Bar Exam Pass Rates. The percentage needed for a passing MBE score in California is 67.5%. Specifically: 68.5% of examinees passed the bar exam. A raw score of 119 should equal a scaled score of 144. 4,938 (63.6 percent) were first-time applicants. The national average score on the July 2019 Multistate Bar Exam rose 1.6 points from the previous year, which could indicate the beginning of a turnaround in sagging pass rates.