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(Mac OS) and drag the direction line toward its opposing Click/tap again to define the second anchor point and complete the first segment of the path. Cycle through the Pen tools using the Shift+P key combination. HEELP! Double-click if you want to draw a straight segment next. Recent changes. Release the key and the You can use the pen tools in conjunction with the shape tools to create complex shapes. 2). To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. I'm not sure how to describe this properly or if I'm even using the correct world but I need to smooth or vectorise (?) or deselect Pen Pressure. Open your Paint Brush settings and increase the hardness to 100%, make sure the Spacing is turned on but set to 1%. The Pen tool is harder work than the other selection tools but gives nicer results. and then release the mouse button. Press the open square bracket key ([) to decrease Release the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key and the mouse button, reposition the pointer where you want the segment to end, and drag in the opposite direction to complete the curve segment. In the past I have always used Gimp to draw and it had this feature right on the brush tool and made making smooth lines simple (see left). are positioned, but you can adjust them once the path is complete. I understand , sorry , hum I'll try to do an exemple and will upload it, Photoshop : how to smooth (vectorise?) As you can see LNP smoothes off the sharp edges when there is a direction change. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. To set the slope of the curved segment you’ll create next, click the anchor point, and drag the direction line that appears. Magnetic Pen is an option of the Freeform Pen tool that lets you Using too many points can also To make horizontal or vertical lines hold down the SHIFT key and draw the line horizontally or vertically. Auto Add/Delete, which lets you add an anchor point when you click a line segment or delete an anchor point when you click it. Continue clicking to set anchor points for additional ... Unlock a Photoshop CS6 Layer. automatically as you draw. To convert a smooth anchor point to a corner point, or vice versa, double-click the point. a new path in the Paths panel to automatically save the work path site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. If you want to stick with Photoshop (and not a vector application like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape) then you should learn how to use the Photoshop Pen Tool to create paths which can then be stroked into really nice smooth line drawings. Should I tell my supervisor that I added his/her name as a reference for my next academic position. The previous segment is automatically adjusted to keep the curve smooth. Uh, sorry but "make the drawing more beautiful" doesn't really help us. moving. For Contrast, enter a percentage value between 1 left). Let's draw with "Smooth Tool" over another curved line to make it smooth. Pen tool. Using and hold down the mouse button. Using the Pen tool, click corner points Trouble is its not free , although not very expensive either-about $35. To create a C‑shaped curve, drag in a direction opposite to the previous direction line. When you're done drawing, press the Esc key. Click once (default) if you want the next segment of your path to be curved. Try these techniques to make better, more natural selections, so you can isolate subjects in an image with a smooth edge. To convert a smooth anchor point to a corner point, or vice versa, double-click the point. The Freeform Pen tool lets you draw paths as if you were drawing with pencil on a piece of paper. to begin, and click to define the first anchor point (do not drag). In this tutorial, we'll learn the essentials of how to draw vector shapes in Photoshop CS6 with its easy-to-use shape tools!.