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Articles of Faith (Indefinite). 168 / Craig Dworkin circumstances of its own production, we can hear the murmur of its materi-als. Craig Dworkin (best paper, to my mind, of the conference) starts with the Poundian/imagist compression of the sentence and does exemplary literary history in a short paper. — Lina Srivastava, in video for Writers Against Trump[i]. Craig Dworkin (2012): pdf, Haroldo de Campos tribute at Guggenehim museum (1992 video). ° In 1894, Lord Rayleigh and William Ramsay conceived of a new constituent of the atmosphere. That’s why I write. I moderated a panel on the state of reading today and tomorrow I will present a manifesto in 6 minutes. Fred Wah starts a talk about collaboration by talking about using tea mold for a mealtime art project. Maria Damon riffs on connections between schmata and schema-ta, a raggy poetics, in response to the matter of the state of the sentence. He said you have to invent it. Craig Dworkin (best paper, to my mind, of the conference) starts with the Poundian/imagist compression of the sentence and does exemplary literary history in a short paper. Craig Dworkin From OL3: open ... During the technical development meetings for Eclipse, my insistence on registering the pages of archived material was regarded by the computer experts as quaintly old-fashioned, if not distressingly retrograde. You can find the full issue — placing this segment in conversation with the contents of the “facts” issues of the magazine — here. As Choi writes on the first page of her pamphlet, “I come from such twoness. Finally, after all these years, met Derek Beaulieu--a treat. Documentary 3. We speculate about Alice Coltrane and Alice in Wonderland, but as for Notley: Brian Reed finds evidence that Coolidge meant to dedicate his poem version of the standard bop dedication indeed to Notley. I'm meeting many Canadian writers whom I'd not known before. He teaches at the University of Utah. We remain committed to bringing you open access content when institutional access and travel for research become compromised and complicated. Post jobs, find pros, and collaborate commission-free in our professional marketplace. Our panel for Adobe Premiere Pro uploads to Vimeo and simplifies your workflow. Writing that really lasts. Christian Bok unveiled his new project: infecting can't-be-killed microbial life with text so that it will survive the death of readers. Craig Dworkin is the author of Dure (Cuneiform Press, 2004), Strand (Roof Books, 2005), and Parse (Atelos, 2008), among others. Note : Craig Dworkin, author of Parse (Atelos, 2008), No Medium (MIT Press, 2013), and founding senior editor of Eclipse sat down with me on July 21, 2015 for a conversation in Salt Lake City as part of the one on one podcast series. The “=” achieves what Choi approaches in her pamphlet: translation as a twinning language. Hearing tales of the Wah-bash (the celebration of Fred Wah's retirement from active teaching near here in Calgary). He teaches at the University of Utah and curates two on-line archives: Eclipse and The UbuWeb Anthology of Conceptual Writing. Kenny Goldsmith found a moment to insert his stump speech about uncreative writing, and he chose the perfect moment. New URL is, Senior Editor: Craig DworkinAssociate Editor: Danny SnelsonEditorial Assistant: Nella HoldenIntern: Lillian-Yvonne Bertram. including, most recently, 12 Erroneous Displacements and a Fact (Information As Material, 2016), DEF (IAM, 2017), and The Pine-Woods Notebook (Kenning Editions, 2019). He's finally found a use for it. This leads Maria Damon to wonder about all these women dedicatees – these recipients or objects of blues syllabics — in light of such strong male performative struggles, or attempts to “get in on the try,” managed by creative men: Coolidge and Parker, or course, but perhaps Ted Berrigan too, and surely also Jack Kerouac, whose bop-inspired babble flow is very much part of the PoemTalk conversation. A Handbook of Protocols for Literary Listening, ed. Our work here at, will likely be delayed and/or interrupted; our publication schedule for both commentaries and J2 content at large will be slower than usual as we adapt to the global pandemic. 301 pages ISBN: 978-1-931824-29-3 Publication date: May 2008. Counterpath We just can't see the words as things. Get your team aligned with all the tools you need on one secure, reliable video platform. As someone observed, he's gotten so far past the traditionalist's lament about writing for the ages that he's back to it. The bop was Charlie Parker’s, as a model for languaged sound (by poet Clark Coolidge), and the template song was “Blues for Alice” (Coolidge’s poem uses the title), and among the possible Alices are Alice Coltrane, Alice Notley, and Alice in Wonderland. Steven Ross Smith, organizer, says he will get us recordings so that we can put a selection on PennSound. When speech continues without communicating anything, when speech intransitively reaches the limit at which its communication becomes silent, we can hear the body … Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. Gender and Editing 2. Perhaps the best summary of the journal's output, I'd like to reproduce “Some Facts About Chain” in its entirety here.