Horrible, right? A Doctor On What Happens When You Eat a Tide Pod, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io, OK, I'm Obsessed with All These Cute Throw Pillows, Know a Pisces? More to com Xx MF. Fleetwood Mac’s hit Dreams flies up the charts thanks to TikTok video, Want to live more sustainably but struggling? Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält GIGA ggf. Irgendwer macht ein Playback zu einem aktuellen Song und andere machen es nach, variieren den Auftritt oder machen sich lustig darüber. Wie Sie sich bei TikTok schnell zurechtfinden, aber … The skateboarder also explained how his viral video – that has been watched over 16million times came about. ‘Had way [too] much fun with this!! Since it’s still fairly new and you’re likely in the dark about what’s going on, please allow me to explain. #Dreams #cranberrydreams #Fleetwoodmac,’ Mick captioned his post on Instagram – after joining TikTok just so he could recreate it. Fingers crossed. Sure, doing dumb things on the internet is great for sh*ts and giggles, but it gets real serious, real fast when it becomes dangerous. Promise. A spokesperson for TikTok told Yahoo! Not to sound like my grandmother rn (hi, Grams), but it is appalling what children and teens are doing for entertainment these days! Yes...and no. Remember the Tide Pod epidemic Challenge of 2018 that saw teenagers eating Tide’s laundry detergent capsules...for fun? Maximal 60 Sekunden lang dürfen Videos bei der angesagten, aber auch umstrittenen, chinesischen App sein. It almost goes without saying, but in case I did not make myself clear: PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME (OR ANYWHERE ELSE)! Lifestyle and sustainability blogger Zanna Van Dijk on striking her balance, National treasures Sir David Attenborough, Mary Berry and David Suchet named in Queen’s Birthday Honours, Gordon Ramsay is ‘proudest father’ as son Jack joins Marines and David Beckham sends sweet message, Chris Brown ‘spotted in London restaurant’ after being banned from UK, Ed Sheeran’s manager calls Princess Beatrice ‘f**king idiot’ for ‘slashing singer’ with ceremonial sword, Joe Wicks says ‘if you’d met me as a little boy you’d have thought I’d never do anything great’ as he receives MBE honour from Queen, Nathan Apodaca just cruising along to iconic Fleetwood Mac track Dreams, donations from fans, after they learned he was living in his RV with no running water, Chadwick Boseman’s brother recalls final conversation with Black Panther star hours before his death, Ashley Banjo feared for his safety leaving the house after Britain’s Got Talent Diversity complaints. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. This content is imported from {embed-name}. The TikTok Skull Breaker Challenge originated in Spain and consists of three people standing in a row, with the middle participant jumping straight up into the air. The mega-chill video soon went viral, with Nathan becoming a hit among fans on the social media platform. Before we get started, please do not try this at home. TikTok brings light to Global Mental Health with a new challenge #MoveforMentalHealth: A new TikTok challenge aims to bring global awareness to the need to invest in mental health. Here's How to Shop for Them, You're Gonna Be Obsessed With These Linen Sheets, Everything You Need to Know About Scorpios, Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn, Starr Bowenbank is the editorial assistant who writes about all things pertaining to news, pop culture, and entertainment—you can follow her. Im Grunde kann alles bei Tiktok zu einer Challenge werden. Watch James Charles Make Skull Makeup Magic, 'Spring Breakers' Sequel Now a Thing That Is Really Happening. Clearly feeling inspired, Mick decided to recreate Nathan’s video himself and believe us when we say it is everything. If you’ve got a celebrity story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro.co.uk entertainment team by emailing us celebtips@metro.co.uk, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page – we’d love to hear from you. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.