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Dorsal physicians are licensed, board-certified doctors with more than 10 years of experience on average. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary By using HSA/FSA funds (which are pre-tax dollars), you can save nearly 30%. If you suffer from chronic or acute back pain – and you want to receive comprehensive, expert treatment from the comfort of home – then Dorsal is for you. Yes. Designed by leading professors, researchers, and clinicians at top institutions, with backgrounds spanning physiatry, sports medicine, interventional pain care, and orthopedic surgery. Whether you're taking the first step or resuming care, we're by your side. ", "Perfect for working moms. With a specialized focus on musculoskeletal disorders like back pain, Dorsal offers the best pain care and clinical protocols vetted by top experts. Dorsal definition is - an ornamental cloth hung behind and above an altar. An avid teacher, Dr. Bansal is also an instructor at NYU's Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. He is board-certified in orthopedic surgery. Define dorsal. Dorsal offers 15 different FDA-approved prescription medications (such as muscle relaxers, steroid dose packs, topical and oral NSAIDs, anticonvulsants, SNRIs, and TCAs), personalized 10-week physical therapy regimens, and evidence-based behavioral coaching. Our care team supports you on an ongoing basis with check-ins, educational content, and follow-up care until you're feeling better. ... or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Clinical Director of Orthopedic Rehab at NYU Langone, Clinical Assistant Professor of Rehab Medicine at NYU Langone, Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine at Columbia, Orthopedic Surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery, NY Mets Physician, Director of Pain Management at Maimonides Medical Center. specialist consultations, prescription medications (with free delivery), and physical therapy – are not covered by insurance because we set cash pay prices that are more affordable than your usual insurance copays. A comparison of sweat gland diameter in dorsal, lateral, and ventral areas of all the body regions concluded that in dorsal area the maximum diameter was observed in abdomen dorsal followed by neck dorsal, head dorsal, thorax dorsal, and tail dorsal areas but the difference was significant (p<0.05) in the head, thorax, and tail. What’s The Difference Between Atheism And Agnosticism? Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference? Schedule a free consultation call with one of our care associates. $400+/hr. Dorsal beats dealing with my insurance any day. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Dr. Dines has served as a team physician for the New York Mets, the US Davis Cup Tennis Team, and the New York Rangers, and given talks nationally and internationally on surgical treatment for athletes. An active researcher, Dr. Dines has also published over 200 papers and edited six textbooks. Dr. Panagos is the founder of Spine & Sports Medicine of New York, a specialty pain management practice. Thanks to Dorsal, I'm already in the gym again. Dr. Schwartz serves as the Director of Acute Pain Management at Maimonides Medical Center, where he specializes in interventional pain care treatments. Just registered for a plan and scheduled my first doctor's visit faster than I buy my morning coffee. Look it up now! Some of the dorsal surfaces of the body are the back, buttocks, calves, and the knuckle side of the hand. The Dorsal Medical Advisory Board – which designs and vets all clinical protocols – includes leading physicians, surgeons, and professors from the most prestigious musculoskeletal hospitals in the world (Columbia, NYU Langone, Hospital for Special Surgery, and more). He's been recognized as a Castle Connolly Top Doctor in pain management, and holds committee memberships in several state and national professional organizations. He has also published two dozen research papers and written, edited, or contributed to six textbooks.