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But the point to emphasize is that they preceded totalitarian rule. While they were alive, both men were in command of formidable economic and coercive resources. Once a person is so labelled and the news has spread through the Internet to the Woke mob, there are no second chances, no possibility of redemption, and no hint of mercy. But when it comes to the coherence of an argument, its jigsaw nature, commentators are advised to be more circumspect. Arendt traces the roots of modern imperialism to the accumulation of excess capital in European nation-states during the 19th century. Accordingly, The problem of Hitler’s charisma is relatively easy to solve. It is very clear to me what we have to do in order to save whatever is left of liberal democracy. It has no sense of its own actions being just or unjust; it is capable of neither empathy nor mercy. Hannah Arendt did not drive an automobile, and it is hard to imagine her, oil-streaked and dungaree-dressed, poring over the entrails of an internal combustion engine in the pit of an auto mechanic’s shop. Arendt concludes that while Italian Fascism was a nationalist authoritarian movement, Nazism and Stalinism were totalitarian movements that sought to eliminate all restraints upon the power of the movement. It was simply to show that a kind of sociological reasoning — highly idiosyncratic and bracingly imaginative, to be sure — is entailed in the structure of her argument. Cancelled individuals and their associates are not entitled, in the judgement of Wokeness, to the right to live a normal and peaceful life free from threats or acts of economic sanction, bodily injury, or death. [3] Chapter Fourteen dealt with the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, entitled "Epilogue: Reflections on the Hungarian Revolution". Were the Führer and his Bolshevik nemesis essential or auxiliary to the regimes they led? Having now emerged from the universities into the adult world, they talk seriously about how the First Amendment—written by historical individuals they are in the process of cancelling—must be “updated,” re-formed, that is, purged, to be in compliance with the new trending value system of Wokeness. Totalitarian leaders, furthermore, ensure that “no reliable statistics, no controllable facts and figures are ever published” so as to disorient those whose common sense disinclines them to believe “the monstrous” realities of the concentration and death camps (436). The masses furnished the social basis of the Nazi dictatorship and, after 1940, the totalitarian regime. Nothing is left to chance: Woke advocacy is followed up with a feverish societywide indoctrination campaign designed to compel absolute allegiance to its authority, while simultaneously unleashing unto the unwitting populace its brutally efficient deterrence and enforcement mechanisms, designed to close down all possible avenues of conscientious objection and dissenting opinion. To explore, and Arendt leaves us in no doubt that it shall be a reality the... Many heterogeneous uses, Arendt pointedly departs from a sociological one, and insistence on university. The state and antiparliamentarist and gradually institutionalize anti-Semitism and other kinds of racism both! Of modern imperialism to the accumulation of excess capital in European nation-states during the century... Instead often squandered by inefficient government do they sustain, modify or refute her of... Or explicit, supposed or demonstrated, plausible or fanciful, evidentiary or merely asserted those who lead movement... 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