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PHOTO: Enid Lindeman was the dazzling eldest daughter of a well-to-do family (inset) who inherited their fortune from Dr Henry Lindeman, an early winemaker in the NSW Hunter Valley. I hope you enjoy Enid's adventures. To see what your friends thought of this book. The early and later observations of Sydney and Australia was of particular interest. Hi all, thank you for you support. Interesting story of for me an unknown woman and well written that keeps you entertained. Tall, … Such an eye-opener about a woman I knew little about. Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed ), memorial page for Enid Maud Lindeman Browne (8 Feb 1892–5 Jan 1973), Find a Grave Memorial no. I’ve read five or six over recent years and, without exception, they’ve maintained my interest throughout. By the way she came back to Australia many times, often spending 3 months or more here. Enid Lindeman was the granddaughter of famed winemaker Dr Henry Lindeman; At 21 she was married to a rich American businessman more than twice her age I would point out that I was not writing a history of the Lindeman family but Enid’s life and journey (wherever it went). There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Such an eye-opener about a woman I knew little about. Enid Maud, a grandchild of wine pioneer Henry Lindeman, is born in 1892. Enid returns to Australia, a widow at 23. They marry and he takes his bride to America. 1 She married, secondly, Brig.-Gen. Frederick William Lawrence Shepperd Hart Cavendish, son of William Thomas Cavendish and Cecilia Lafayette Kennedy, on 18 June 1917. Hi Robert, thank you for your comments. Enid Lindeman's first husband was a commoner, her second a general, her third a viscount, her fourth an earl. I look forward to reading your future books. This is a well written, well researched account of a young Australian woman who entered into the high flying social scene before, and during, the two world wars. Yet Enid … Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Indeed, it might well be the best of all. Enid Maud, a grandchild of wine pioneer Henry Lindeman, is born in 1892. Aged 21, her beauty catches the eye of Roderick Cameron, a wealthy American, in Sydney on business. Mariah Carey Is Telling Her Own Story (and Recommending Books). I would point out that I was not w. Hi, thanks for reading both Enid and Sheila. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published We’d love your help. 1 She married, firstly, Roderick Cameron. Standing at six-feet tall with handsome features and platinum hair, Enid Lindeman was never going to be a wallflower. Goodness it took WW1 for women to move into men's work only to be shoved back into servitude as housewives. Regarding Enid, simp. Born Enid Maud on 8 January 1892, Lady Kenmare as she was to become, was the fifth child of Florence and Charles Lindeman, son of the man who had put Australia on the world stage for wine. Welcome back. Among modern Australian authors, it’s hard to think of another who pens more engaging biographies than Robert Wainwright. Furness's third and final marriage was to Enid Cavendish (née Lindeman), the Australia-born widow of Brig. As she gallivanted through life she accumulated four husbands, numerous lovers, and during the inter-war years her high-jinx dominated the gossip columns. Certainly shows ‘how the other half live’, with a life of carefree decadence. And non fiction has boundaries. I love feedback, good, bad and indifferent, and appreciate your views. Hi Robert, thank you for your comments. But the changing social mores throughout the 20th and in to the 21st century are so well realised in this book I forgave some of the more florid passages. Way ahead of her times of early 1900's. https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/6812128/queen-of-the-original-jet-set Hi, thanks for reading both Enid and Sheila. A son, Rory, is born but the joy is short-lived. The Adventures of Enid Lindeman by Lyndsy Spence. I'm not normal a reader of non-fiction or biography, but hearing the author speak on a number of different radio shows in the past month whetted my appetite for this book. Tall, … Born into the Lindeman wine family, in Australia in 1892, she had an upbringing befitting a young lady but she longed to escape colonial life. Error rating book. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. If you haven't heard of record-smashing singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, is there any hope for you? The granddaughter of Henry Lindeman, proprietor of Lindeman Wines, she was born into colonial money and always knew financial security. Refresh and try again. The marriage lasted a … She and Lord Furness were married in 1933. That remains the case with his latest offering. At the age of twenty-one, she married Roderick Cameron, a forty-five-year-old shipping magnate from New York.