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Alyssa suspects that her feelings for Jack might be blocking her magic. Like, all those things people do without fear. The ending of The Order season 2 explained, © 2020 Looper.com. Though on opposite sides of the conflict, Alyssa and Jake were emotionally closer than ever — and as a result, a certain overpriced hotel room became an important and often-visited location for the two. Out to avenge his mother's death, a college student pledges a secret order and lands in a war between werewolves and practitioners of dark magic. As the Order prepares to conduct a dangerous, sinister spell, the Knights enlist Jack to sabotage their plans. With chaos erupting around them, the Knights discover that werewolf fear is extremely tasty. College freshman Jack Morton joins a fabled secret society, The Order, where he is thrust into a world of magic, monsters and intrigue. As an additional “screw you,” Alyssa also stole Vera’s powers, which she held hostage in the hopes of swapping them for the Order’s highly coveted incantation. Soon, a series of strange murders sets the campus on edge. July 4 2020, 2:00 PM PDT, RELATED STORIES Directed by Mathias Herndl. Jack was last seen heading into the woods, carrying the ultra-powerful Vade Maecum and Alyssa's bloodied body in tow. 2020 Surely, none of this will ever come to bite anyone back in the future. Vera leads the Order in a spell to summon Rogwan, a powerful demon. When the two parlayed and were magically bound to take the same physical damage, Salvador tried to kill Vera by unsheathing her werewolf claws — slicing Vera's fingers open in the process — and trying to cut her own throat. While the Knights look for ways to protect themselves, Alyssa gives Jack a job: find the "magic tourist" who's been wreaking havoc on campus. "The Simpsons" is found under "S", All current and ended shows are viewable on these pages. Only one problem, it makes no sense. That has nothing to do with Lilith, but hey, a win’s a win!). Alyssa suspects that her feelings for Jack might be blocking her magic. When Randall and Nicole Birch (Anesha Bailey) discovered that the portal incantation required the sacrifice of a witch, Randall promptly erased Nicole's memory of the fact. What's more, she was the daughter of Grafton Davis — the former champion of Alpha, the most powerful and mysterious werewolf of all the Knights of Saint Christopher. The Order is a magical and terrifying journey to uncover our true selves... and the monsters that hide within. Amid a standoff with the Prometheans, Alyssa goes into withdrawal. Vera negotiates a deal with the Esoteric Sons of Prometheus - a rival magic society - and sends Jack and Alyssa to their compound as hostages. The two spent the majority of "New World Order, Part 2" at each other's throats ... until Midnight conceded that Jack's actions during the season finale were clever and noble, and begrudgingly allowed him to live. 1. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? But does anyone truly get what they want? Vera negotiates a deal with the Sons of Prometheus — a rival magic society — and sends Jack and Alyssa to their compound as hostages. Beware of spoilers. Evil's First Season 2 Trailer Is Like Nothing You Imagined. The Knights' theft of The Order's artifacts unknowingly removes tools needed to fight back Rogwan, an emperor-class demon who returns to Earth every twenty-seven years aiming to feast on human fears (without which, humans can't survive). The Order season 2, episode 10, “New World Order, Part 2”, puts Alyssa and Vera face to face again, this time exchanging two of the most powerful incantations ever created. Title: Meanwhile, Gabrielle awoke in the “collective unconscious,” where Kyle confirmed that she is now a werewolf. Her plan successful, the newly autonomic Grand Magus agreed to go against Salvador in an effort to avoid unnecessary deaths. After having the Knights' memories wiped, Vera plans to induct them into the Order, but her new pledges prove hard to control. She spent much of "New World Order, Part 1" hurting and being ignored, and she further complicated the situation by lashing out at people.