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The Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness of Lenape history and culture. Located in Allamuchy Mountain State Park, Sussex County, on an island in Waterloo Lake, the Lenape Village - called Winakung ("Place of Sassafras") - is surrounded by thousands of acres of wooded forests, stone cliffs, streams and marshes, home to beaver, osprey, and the occasional bear. there was a Lenape village or camp. Hidden 52 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[29 41]/Info 28 0 R/Length 105/Prev 97230/Root 30 0 R/Size 70/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The community was approximately the half-way point in the roughly 102-mile (165 km) trip along the Morris Canal, which ran from Jersey City, NJ across New Jersey to Phillipsburg, PA. Sunday - Monday | ClosedTuesday - Saturday | 10 AM - 4 PM. The Lenape Village at historic Waterloo Village was created to help visualize the past. The coming of the Dutch, Swedish and English explorers, settlers and traders changed the lives of the Lenape Indians. Dura Supreme; Contact; About; Lenape Village Kitchen & Bath . %%EOF %PDF-1.6 % If you've made changes, tell the reviewer what changes you made. Early morning & evening hours available by appointment only. The village was called Katamoonchink, meaning hazelnut grove. It is thought to have been near Main Street at Exton and the intersection of routes 30 and 100. : iQg-+#|*VFvv #D]G3t~vbcTq\j;Zhqp *Rm*|Pq'+yq [Hf$#18o~$^E>. Visit us. Please continue to follow all state and federal guidelines as well as our preserve rules when visiting us. We do not permit pets, fishing, biking or boating on our preserve. What clothes did the Lenape wear? The Europeans and Indians had very different attitudes toward the use of natural resources. Lenape village of longhouses. Here you can walk 400 years into the past and experience an ancient and gentler way of life. Dura Supreme. P: 610-793-1408 E: lenapevillage@gmail.com Showroom Hours: By appointment only The shapes and sizes of the houses are patterned on those excavated at Minisink Indian sites in the upper Delaware Valley, and the stone tools and pottery vessels have been modeled on excavated specimens or patterned after established ethnographic models. Ecmu&}!CR3$4#1bf"IzXELLHZ{($%/VX{Lgb>5SB0)i5{Olg+hG0}T3A\Gx$y:-,&wQ'hXypOOLz3i\%NjhgPOK8b_No The lodges, huts, pottery and agriculture implements found through archeology are an important part of our academic understanding of how the Lenape lived. Only a rough sketch of a robust culture remains we know nothing of the human deeds and dramas that occurred. The Lenape Village on Winakung Island in Waterloo Lake is a faithful reproduction, including long houses, huts, women's quarters, burial grounds, dugout canoes, carvings, and artifacts. 29 0 obj <> endobj No matter what your particular design preference, Dura Supreme has cabinet door style choices to work with every design and theme, from traditional to shaker, from rustic to contemporary. Your Custom Text Here. The more they know, the easier it is for them to publish your geocache. European colonists, by contrast, came from an overpopulated part of the world where land was wealth. Don't believe us? H~,TU0No P(p 1>'9|K.70Ch0