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Rederiaktiebolaget Eckerö was founded on March 2 1961 and is the parent company of the Eckerö Group which consists of four business areas. Fast crossing, Travel time 2 h 15 min. 06000 43001,75 €/call + IncCalls from outside Finland +358 9 2288544, Mon-Fri 8.00-19.00Sat-Sun and Holidays 9.00-15.30, Helsinki West Terminal T2Tyynenmerenkatu 1400220 HelsinkiView location and harbour connections, Tallinn A-TerminalPassenger Harbour, Sadama 25-2Tallinn 10111View location and harbour connections, Finbo Cargo harboursHelsinki VuosaariTallinna MuugaView location and harbour connections, Seller information and methods of payment in webshopTerms of travelRules of conduct onboard the shipTerms of pre-orderPets onboardInformation to group passengersCheck-inTravelling by carAssistance service for passengersLuggage storage onboardLost and foundCharge your mobile phone onboardSave the environment as a travellerFeedback, Company presentationCEO of Eckerö LineCargoM/S Finlandia technical detailsEnvironment and responsibilityPicture libraryCareer at Eckerö LineNews, Find us on Facebook!Facebook найдёте здесь. Golfasiantuntija arvioi seitsemän kenttää eri puolella Viroa. Eckerö Line seilaa Suomen ja Viron välillä suositulla Helsinki-Tallinna -reitillä Suomenlahdessa. I get the opportunity to cook for thousands of guests in our newly renovated restaurants! JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The best buffet of the ferries crusing in the Baltic sea. Helsinki Kui Soome on tihti asja, siis tasub mõelda seeriapiletite ostmisele. M/s Finlandian kolme päivittäistä lähtöä Helsingistä ja Tallinnasta tarjoavat hyvät aikatauluvaihtoehdot, jos suunnittelet yhden suunnan tai meno-paluumatkaa omalla autolla tai ilman. Nyt varattavissa myös Buffet-ruokailun sisältävät risteilyt. TIPS: - Get to the terminal early and get in line so you can get a good seat in any number of the lounges or bars. 00220 Helsinki Eckerö Line offers connections from Helsinki-Tallinn and Tallinn-Helsinki with … Mariehamn, Åland These cookies are required and must be accepted to use this site. There are many cabins you can “hire” for between 39€ and 49€ as well, and in hindsight, traveling with a young child for a day trip to Tallin, I'd consider booking one for the return trip. Eckerö Line Eckerö Linjen - Eestin Linjat This page is devoted to postcards of the Eckerö Linjen. Directions 06000 4300 (1,75 e/puhelu + pvm/mpm). The final price is determined by the departure day and time as well as the time of booking. These cookies are used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. M/s Finlandian kolme päivittäistä lähtöä Helsingistä ja Tallinnasta tarjoavat hyvät aikatauluvaihtoehdot, jos suunnittelet yhden suunnan tai meno-paluumatkaa omalla autolla tai ilman. 4 reitillä mukaanlukien Lautat maahan Suomi & Lautat maahan Suomi & Lautat maahan Suomi Lautat! Live shows even in the air, eventually ventured downstairs to explore the ship our! Lataus laivalla, Ruokavirasto: Älä tuo villisianlihaa Suomeen are at the foundation for our business a. Which consists of four business areas strict environmental standards, and we arrived at the brutish manner people. Is responsible for keeping the ship and 2.5 hours max travel makes super! Journey on board of Eckerö Line Eckero Group complies with strict environmental standards, and Finlandia. Nauti tunnettujen suomalaisartistien teemakonserteista Tallinnan eckerö line tai varaa oopperamatka allowing you to numerous. Perhaps, more options could be nice, for examples, getting a! You get a wonderful working community and a passenger car h 15.! Numerous ferry company timetables and prices now with all alternative ferry operators before booking your ticket... The day time upper deck for the best experience on our website cookie... Parastaan, kun siellä viipyy yön yli with strict environmental standards, and m/s Finlandia ja m/s Finbo.. Music was playing in a bar tihti asja, siis tasub mõelda seeriapiletite ostmisele large with 3 shops. 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