According the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the entire nursing field of nursing is growing extremely fast—especially the area of ambulatory care nursing. Although the minimum requirement for employment is generally a bachelor’s degree, due to the shortage of qualified nurses, many employees hire nurses with diplomas or 2-year nursing degrees. Ambulatory care nursing jobs are on the rise everywhere. This care can include advanced medical technology and procedures even when provided outside of hospitals. Ambulatory care nurses may have to provide care for a diverse number of illnesses and injuries, and they generally only come in contact with the patient for less than 24 hours. Ambulatory care nursing jobs are on the rise everywhere. Retrieved from Reference It is necessary to have at least 2 years of experience as a registered nurse and 2,000 hours of clinical experience in ambulatory care nursing. Ambulatory care nursing occurs across the continuum of care in a variety of settings, which include but are not limited to: Hospital-based outpatient clinics/centers. Modern professional ambulatory care nursing is a unique domain of specialty nursing practice that focuses on health care for individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations. University and community hospital clinics. The nurse salaries for ambulatory care nurses are very substantial. Either education route in nursing is acceptable, as long as the applicant is a registered nurse. The American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) is here to help you grow personally and professionally. An ambulatory care center, which may be referred to as an outpatient care center, is a medical care facility that provides outpatient services. Pallipedia© is a registered trademark of IAHPC. Copyright ©2020, American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN). Coordination: Liliana De Lima Ambulatory care RNs practicing in telehealth environments adhere to the. They generally encounter patents in which they have no prior knowledge of their medical background history. Pallipedia urges health care providers and patients to always consult other relevant and up-to-date experts. Telehealth nursing is an integral component of professional ambulatory care nursing that utilizes a variety of telecommunications technologies during encounters to assess, triage, provide nursing consultation, perform follow up and care coordination. That includes diagnostic tests, treatments, or rehab visits. & Haynes, T.S. During each encounter, the ambulatory care RN focuses on patient safety and quality of nursing care by applying appropriate nursing interventions, such as identifying and clarifying patient needs, performing procedures, conducting health education, promoting patient advocacy, coordinating nursing and other health services, assisting patient to navigate health care system, and evaluating patient outcomes.