August 18, 2020. "It's way past protesting. Police remain on scene,” said the release. The … “The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council has a process for granting consent in this area and it has not been followed on this development.”. It is a priority for CBC to create a website that is accessible to all Canadians including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. Members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy blocked Argyle Street in Caledonia on Thursday. "I just wish it would be done and over with," he said. “I was eating with people, I was singing songs with people at the camp,” Dockstader said. The radio host said he learned of his arrest on Tuesday Sept. 1 after OPP sent him an email telling him to contact police. Throughout the site yellow fire hydrants contrast with the cracked rocky dirt. Laughter rang out behind her as Sayokla, who came with her auntie, talked about the atmosphere at the camp. “The province is responsible for what’s happening here because it did not live up to its obligations, in terms of that letter and the promises they made. The builder also envisages commercial units, parks, trails, natural areas and a school in the "master-planned community.". Representatives from each of the nations – Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Tuscarora, and Oneida – formed the Confederacy expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Toronto Read more: “And I can’t go to any other protests either. Cars honked often as they raced past throughout the day. In 2006, native protesters started occupying the Douglas Creek Estates, claiming the developer, Henco, was building on Six Nations land. Six Nations launched a claim against both Ontario and Canada in 1995 that remains unresolved. The matter is expected to be heard in court on August 22. Republication or distribution of this content is They wondered aloud why police didn't stop the road blockade. Caledonia politicians looking for compensation over Haudenosaunee blockade Haldimand politicians are looking at legal options to deal with the weeks-long blockage on Argyle Street. Const. It isn’t always clear if the cars that choose to honk as they fly by do so out of solidarity or opposition. Haudenosaunee Development Institute members had been there to ask Empire to abide by the body's regulatory process, Detlor said. to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about The Haudenosaunee (also known as the Iroquois Confederacy) is comprised of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Tuscarora Nations, whose lands span both sides of the United States and Canadian borders. They argued the land was theirs. We are working hard to de-escalate the situation and to find a peaceful resolution,” the statement said. That article adds, "Reading a statement to reporters, Silversmith said the barricade is a direct consequence of the Ontario government's failure to live up to a negotiated land settlement that led natives to dismantle barricades they set up during an intense occupation of the Douglas Creek Estates [DCE] housing project in 2006. “Police arrived on scene as the home was observed to be completely engulfed in flames. Nevertheless, Liske argued Foxgate wasn’t aware of any claim or objection “by any First Nations group” to the project. More arrests made by OPP as Six Nations group continues to occupy Caledonia residential development. Returning the land to our Traditional Chiefs (as was promised by the Province) would make the land sovereign and under our control." “This is Karl making a concerted effort to build trust with people whom he’s covering.”, Because of the charges, Dockstader now says he’s “conflicted” on how to proceed on further covering the occupation, “I absolutely believe that the best way to do reporting is in person,” Dockstader said, “I still believe that there are elements of this story that are underreported.”.