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Apparently, he had been plagued by doubts about transubstantiation: he agonized over whether the bread and wine changed substantially into the Body and Blood of our Lord at the words of consecration, and whether our Lord was truly present in the Holy Eucharist. This change in substance is not, however, the outward appearances of the bread and wine—their accidents—which remain as before. The Flesh and the Blood belong to the human species. Here’s Some of Our Best Content Ever, What Changed This Protestant’s Mind About the Eucharist, The Holy Eucharist, Explained in This Great Cartoon, saw the bread and wine transform into real human flesh and blood, stole a golden ciborium containing hundreds of a consecrated hosts, three red stains materialized on the host, 15 Spectacular Monstrances for Our Lord in the Eucharist, “Jesus Is In Every Book of the Bible”: A Eucharistic Adoration Flash Mob, The Mystical Life of Guardian Angels, Revealed by the Saints. He went back accompanied by many villagers and the priest who bent to pick up the Host, having seen it from some distance off. The blood coagulated into five globules (later believed to be representative of the five wounds of Christ). We know that after the consecration in the Mass, when the priest pronounces the words of Christ on instituting the Eucharist, the host becomes the Body of Christ and the wine becomes his Blood. . The rarest reported type of Eucharistic miracle is where the Eucharist becomes human flesh as in the miracle of Lanciano which some believe occurred at Lanciano, Italy in the 8th century. When she got home, she put the bloodied host in a trunk. Nonetheless, the corporal remains an object of veneration. blood type is the same in the flesh and in the blood clots, AB. The Flesh is displayed in a monstrance just like the Sacred Host, and the globules of Blood are in a crystal chalice, which some believe is the actual chalice used by the monk for Mass. The flesh was identified under a microscope as human flesh from the left ventricle of the heart, showing clearly the myocardium, the endocardium and the vagus nerve. It immediately rose up into the air and was suspended ten feet above the ground. Teresa Neumann, the famed Catholic Stigmatic from Bavaria subsisted on no solid food but the Holy Eucharist from 1926 until her death in 1962 some 36 years later. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae III, 76.8 ad 2: "...In huiusmodi apparitionibus. [28], According to another story, a farmer in Bavaria took a consecrated Host from Mass to his house, believing that it would give him and his family good fortune. There are many stories of miracles throughout Church history that seem to confirm this important teaching. In 1973 the Higher Council of the World Health Organisation appointed a scientific commission to investigate Professor Linoli’s findings. weighs exactly the weight of the five clots weighed together, be it 15.85 Throughout, the Centuries, the Host disappeared, leaving only, the Flesh, identified by scientists as tissues coming, from muscle of the myocardium. This Miracle took place at the beginning of the 7 th Century. For my Flesh is real food and my Blood real drink. It has apparently passed into both the man's digestive system and the fire unscathed. This is especially intriguing if one takes into account that the first anatomical dissections reported in the medical literature took place only after the 1300s, some six hundred years after the miracle.