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We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Annie's bear Tibbers, for example, can be seen in the background of one of her photos and she claims that it actually belongs to her. The newest character to join the fantasy strategy game League of Legends is a pop star who started out as a social media influencer.League developer Riot has officially unveiled Seraphine Mysterious new teasers for upcoming League of Legends champion Seraphine, expected to be released ahead of Worlds 2020, have begun appearing on strange Twitter League of Legends newest champion is Seraphine who is going from social media pop star to Summers Rift. Twitter; Even her first song is released on Soundcloud! Also in Seraphine's pictures there are numerous connections to League of Legends and Riot Games. The accounts make no direct mention of Riot nor League of Legends (the Twitter account does not follow either the Riot or League of Legends accounts), however K/DA (League of Legends' own fictional, in-universe K-pop group) announced that it was collaborating with Seraphine on a She is a Mage champion who will likely play support thanks to her ability kit. For a few weeks now, a Twitter account by the name of Seraphine has been posting her music, pictures of her cat, and her general thoughts and feelings; all pretty normal Twitter activity. More specifically, Seraphine will be available on League of Legends' Public Beta Environment (PBE) beginning Tuesday, October 13th, and is set to go live --