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It's not easy to face the prospect of seeing your cat enter her golden years, but with proper care you can help enhance, and possibly extend her life. Common Signs to Know | Hill's Pet, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cat Life Stages: Providing the Best Care for Your Cat at Any Age, What to Expect at Your Kitten's 6-Month Health Check, Hill's® Science Diet® Adult 11+ Healthy Cuisine Seared Tuna & Carrot Medley cat food, Hill's® Science Diet® Adult 11+ Chicken Recipe cat food, Hill's® Science Diet® Youthful Vitality Adult 7+ Chicken & Rice Recipe cat food, Hill's® Science Diet® Youthful Vitality Adult 7+ Tuna & Vegetable Stew cat food, Difficulty or reluctance to try jumping or climbing, Excessive meowing, yowling, or other vocalizations. Instead, the whiskers act as feelers that help felines decide whether they can squeeze through tight spaces. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Spanish, Our veterinarian reveals why the payoff for your pet is well worth any extra work. Frequently, downtrends are … While your older cat might not show any obvious visible signs of aging, providing her with proper care at this advanced stage of life can go a long way toward prolonging her life and making her senior years comfortable. She may not show any obvious signs of slowing down, but perhaps her last health check has you facing the fact that you love an aging cat that needs to be handled with extra care. Not sure about food puzzles? Price, However, both cerebellar hypoplasia and some types of ataxia do not have a cure. Their ability to perform the equivalent of yoga on a tightrope is the result of fine-tuned coordination of physical and nervous systems. | YunOS Our new tool will narrow down more than 300 breeds for you. Helps keep immune system, heart & kidneys healthy. © 2001-2020  Not true. Check out our collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, dog and cat breeds and more. Health Checks: Cats are masters at hiding their pain, so any signs of problems might go unnoticed until they become too pronounced to ignore. Cats have an exceptional sense of balnce--they saunter along high fences only an inch wide,seemingly without fear,walk along rooftops and perch on fence posts to survey the lay of the land. geprüfte Tierheilpraktikerin mit Spezialisierung auf Ernährungsberatung und ernährungsbedingte Erkrankungen der Katze, wissen, welches Fertigfutter für Deine Samtpfote(n) am Besten geeignet ist, Deine Katze BARFen, und hast viele Fragen zu diesem Thema, Deine Katze mit alternativen Heilmethoden unterstützen, zu allgemeinen Katzenthemen um Rat fragen, dann zögere nicht, Kontakt mit mir aufzunehmen.