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The goggles mimic most of Superman's vision powers, including heat vision, x-ray vision, and telescopic vision. 0. DC Database is a FANDOM Movies Community. Superboy is a younger version of Superman and a member of the Superman Family. In the Teen Titans' Secret Origins, a back-up story in the weekly 52 (comic book) series, an illustration of Superboy had to be changed to one of Wonder Girl because of the legal dispute. During Infinite Crisis he died fighting Superboy-Prime, but he was resurrected during Final Crisis. Like Superman, Superboy is also vulnerable to Kryptonian and magic. Cloned Kryptonian Physiology. His second costume is a slightly modified version of the first, with a new haircut and jacket. It has also been shown in Teen Titans that he is much faster, traveling from San Francisco to the Arctic in less than an hour whilst carrying Nightwing. He has set up the Fortress of Paradise near Smallville, where Lex Luthor, his "Pa", now resides. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. Superboy possesses the half-potential of powers of an average Kryptonian. In the "Superboy and the Legion" storyline, he dons the classic Superman costume, but with a Legion belt buckle. Superboy has been a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes and the Super Sons. But when he is forced to eliminate the Doomsdays; Black Zero tells his men that "they were never essential to my plans". Tactile telekinesis also allows Superboy to disassemble machines and other complex constructions by pushing the field between the individual parts; alternately, he can, for short periods of time, hold such constructs together if they are coming apart. Comment. This was originally the identity that Clark Kent adopted using his powers to help others as a teenager in Smallville. Before his Kryptonian powers manifested; Kon-El couldn't run or move at superhuman speeds like Superman could; with only Tacile Telekinesis as his power. Superboy was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, first appearing in More Fun Comics #101. Seen behind the group are clones of Conner Kent and Bart Allen as well as an unknown female. The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. He and the other future Titans were sent by Luthor to make sure that their future still comes to pass as well as defeat an invading army of Starros. He sports a contemporary short haircut. At first, Superboy's only superpower is "tactile telekinesis", a telekinetic force field that surrounds his body as a protective shield and allows him strength, flight and invulnerability. However, another alternate future is shown where Tim decides he will take the mantle of Batman from Bruce Wayne by force and joins forces with Lex Luthor and Miss Martian. Conner, however, does not process solar energy as quickly as Superman. But which power is the cream of the crop and which is just so-so? Superboy later states that he has developed telescopic vision. In Superboy's first appearance, he has a fade haircut, a modified Superman costume, two belts, an earring, gloves and a Leather jacket. The Superboy-Prime character was the inspiration for Kurt Busiek's miniseries Superman: Secret Identity, which begins as a story about a teenage boy, named Clark Kent after the comic book character, who exists in the "real world" where there are no superheroes and discovers that he possesses powers similar to Superman's. At some point, he and Captain Marvel Jr. fought for the affection of Cassie Sandsmark, the new Wonder Woman, who chose Conner. However, near the end of his series he was able to create an air pocket around himself enabling him to breathe in outer space. This was originally the identity that Clark Kent adopted using his powers to help others as a teenager in Smallville.