We can be time poor and that automatically effects the richness of life. When I suggested this she was frustrated saying – ‘why couldn’t I work that out? So often when we are stuck in a situation in life or cannot work out what comes next it is because we have been looking so closely – at so much detail that we forget that to get a really clear vision we need to step back and get a different perspective. Yet she’s clear that just talking to her isn’t going to change your life – there’s work to be done, by you, and she’s there as a guide to help facilitate it.“. Maybe this story has resonated with you, or maybe you are wondering about things that are happening right now in your life. Alternatively we can do some coaching over phone or skype if a retreat doesn’t work for you. It can feel so hard when we know that something has to change in life but we just can’t work out how to change it. What we found was a 30-minute window in her daily commute home. And that’s not just about asking you more questions, that’s just infuriating. Just a simple idea of catch up calls in the car will have a big effect on the quality of relationships. You can email me or give me a call on +44 (0)203 239 6155. You can also check out my latest video and see where we will go when you come on retreat – if that’s what you’d like to do. In more recent times people might be advised not to worry about detail when life in general is good by being told that their concerns are "First-world problems" or, in Australia, they might be told "Don't sweat the small stuff". For example I had a client on retreat recently and she never seemed to have enough time in her day to keep in regular contact with friends or family. And I say that because even when we turn to those that love us they do have a vested interest in what we decide because it might impact their life. Ano ang pinakamaliit na kontinente sa mundo? I don’t, but I am a clear mirror so that you can see where you are in life and what needs to change to get you to where you want to be – professionally, personally or simply as in what’s next in your life. Antonyms for cannot see the forest for the trees. What is the time signature of the song Atin Cu Pung Singsing? By being in contact more regularly would also have a knock on effect in those relationships too. How long will the footprints on the moon last? If you are at a crossroads in your life either personally, professionally or both, I thoroughly recommend going on a retreat with Jessica. Often if you are someone who lives a busy busy life time can seem like a problem. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Used to desribe someone who is so caught up with the big picture that they lose sight of the smaller but more important details. “Because you are too close to the situation.” You can’t see the woods for the trees. Your email address will not be published. Same thing with coaching – except as your coach I don’t have an agenda in your life so my comments are going to be purely for the good of you. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. She drove home and realised that she could make ‘catch up’ calls in that time. In two of my coaching sessions last week I made a comment on a situation my clients were in and they both stopped and sighed – and said “That’s so obvious why didn’t I see that?” My reply? Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? "If you pay off an extra €150 a month on your mortgage, you'll pay it off two years earlier and save € 4,000 altogether." So we looked at her day and what we were looking for was some ‘dead space’ time when she wasn’t ‘doing’ anything. Managing Director & Global Lead for Consumer Goods & Services. I left the retreat wishing I had been to see her several years earlier. Synonyms for cannot see the wood for the trees in Free Thesaurus. But little ideas can make a huge difference. If you want to know more – just drop me a line or give me a call on +44(0) 203 239 6155. When people use the phrase 'can't see the forest for the trees' - it means that people are losing themselves in the details (trees) that you forget the larger picture or vision (forest). Being up in the mountains in Spain away from the “noise” of life made a big difference. Antonyms for cannot see the wood for the trees. Your email address will not be published.