Last Name. A few months ago, I proposed that the requirement for seniors to withdraw money from their Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) be relaxed while the financial markets were at a low. Then Canada ran short of the same equipment. He founded the highly acclaimed Halifax International Security Forum and implemented sweeping reforms to our criminal justice system, including the introduction of a Victims Bill of Rights and tougher mandatory sentences for violent offenders and those who prey on children. He volunteers his time with Children's Aid Society, Covenant House, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Acadia and Dalhousie Universities, and the Canada-United States Law Institute. We have already experienced spikes in electricity rates in provinces that have imposed costly new “Green” programs that have fallen especially hard in the manufacturing sector and where many jobs have now gone to jurisdictions with lower power rates. In addition, Canada should no longer take its marching orders from well-funded, foreign based eco-agitators. That’s why I will not kill natural resource projects that create jobs – I will get behind them. "Canada needs Conservative ideas and Conservative solutions that will work in every part of the country," reads a bolded section on MacKay's website. Meaningful Indigenous consultation and robust environmental assessments will be enshrined but with processes that have hard caps on time limits and with clear criteria in the environmental assessment process. He led a values-based foreign policy that called out terrorist organizations and fortified relations with like-minded countries. Conservatives have always found a way to protect both the economy and our environment. Canada and the world need more natural gas produced from Alberta, Saskatchewan, B.C., Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador, not less; energy that can be ethically produced by world-class companies using advanced Canadian technology. There were only two other students in his grade in a school of 30 students. The Liberals wreak havoc on the economy and do little for the environment. Stephen Harper went to Stellarton, Nova Scotia and called Peter a historic figure who changed the course of Canadian politics: “It took a sense of destiny, it took a spirit of humility and a willingness to compromise.”. I will kill the carbon tax that is punishing people, especially those who live in rural Canada. With the support of the Government of Canada and private sector innovation they met their targets and profits rose. And Canada’s temporary foreign worker program needs to be reviewed to ensure Canadians have priority access to jobs. My plan for the environment will reduce emissions in Canada and around the world. A fundraising letter sent by new Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole to party members contains passages identical to sections of his rival Peter MacKay's campaign website. I will not engage in photo-ops at international climate conferences with those opposed to the development of Canadian energy. Become a Digital Activist. Justin Trudeau has failed to help Canada get our responsibly-produced natural resources to global markets where it can contribute to the fight against climate change and he has failed to gain recognition in climate negotiations for our active carbon sequestration projects or for the vast carbon sequestration that is realized from our responsible use of agricultural lands and our forests. My plan for the environment will reduce emissions in Canada and around the world. O'Toole served in the military and was briefly veterans affairs minister while MacKay was defence minister for several years. I will expand Canadian opportunities abroad by seeking out international partnerships with like-minded democracies to develop business-to-business working groups to facilitate clean and green technology proliferation to reduce the global carbon footprint.