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Setup. The model appears to be cast in five parts: the legs and loincloth, the torso and right head, the left arm, the right forearm and club, and the left head. Changer), Vous commentez laide de votre compte Twitter. In the setup instructions for the quest, it says to use two ettins, one of which is Mauler. r/JourneysInTheDark. Base coated with a 1:1 mix of VMC Dark Rust (70.302) and VMC Black Grey (70.862). Until then. (Dconnexion/ One might think that a giant with two heads would be twice as smart as any other giant. Ettins from Descent 2nd Edition. This figure helped me test out the 2-brush painting style. FillhartTechNiques is proud to announce the completed Ettins Descent 2nd Edition model and accompanying Painting Guide PDF. Check his videos out if you don't know them! 33. Those look really clean! This reverse wet palette wicks some moisture out of the paint, making its consistency more like regular paint.) User account menu. Make them unique to your own painting style and have fun with it. (LogOut/ Ettin is a monster found in the Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) base game. This is the largest model Ive ever painted. 1 year ago. In the case of the Ettins, this included the aforementioned neck wrinkles, the fur cape along the upper back, the wrapping on the forearm, the helmets, the horns, and all the fingers and toes. Their role as tanky bruisers is exemplified by a relatively large amount of health, decently strong dice pools for attack and defense, and modest movement stats befitting their 2 x 2 miniature base. A second base coat with VMC Chocolate Brown (70.872) was added, with the GCBB acting to darken the recesses. Close. The individual strands were then picked out with VMC Green Brown (70.879), followed by very selective highlighting with a 1:1 mix of Green Brown and VMC Beige (70.917). In some areas, additional shadows were glazed in with a very small amount of VGC Night Blue (72.019) added to the Glacier Blue, and then blended down into the Glacier Blue again. Publi par leguernk le 8 septembre 2014. I especially like the shadowing and highlights on those big, flabby backs. Another ettin, Zak'n'Jak, appears in The Twin Idols, Part I. Press J to jump to the feed. Although I applied the flesh tones in a near-identical fashionbefore the clothing was painted, the contrast generated by the red and green really affects the overall cast of the skin. Another ettin, Zak'n'Jak , appears in The Twin Idols, Part I. I was certainly tested in getting a smooth and even blend from lights to darks on these large figures. A layer of this base tone mixed about 1:1 with VMC Khaki (70.988) was stippled over the entire area, followed by this second tone mixed about 2:1 with VMC Green Grey (70.971). r/JourneysInTheDark: Dedicated subreddit for the *Descent: Journeys in the Dark* boardgame published by Fantasy Flight Games. Base coated with VMC Khaki (70.988). A layer of VMC Dark Red (70.946) was added over most of the cloth. Highlights were added with a mix of Bonewhite and VMC Ivory (70.918), and the teeth were picked out with pure Ivory. This was blended into the flesh tone along the border with the addition of VFP Base Flesh (74.004), followed by some light coverage of pure Base Flesh to soften the transition. It is my firm belief that boardgame manufacturers take a perverse pleasure in placing mold lines in the most detail heavy, hard to reach areas possible for the sole purpose of frustrating painters. The Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition), Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) base game, If you enjoy my work and would also like to paint your figure to this degree visit my shop and pick up a copy of my painting guide PDF. Snow: There was some superglue overflow from production (similar to that I described on the Merriods) which found its way into the recesses, leaving a rough, bubbly texture. Changer), Vous commentez laide de votre compte Facebook. One might think that a giant with two heads would be twice as smart as any other giant. Heads would be twice as smart as any other giant next, a desaturated red mix was using One thing all Ettins do agree on anything for painting and converting miniatures how you blue. German Camo Black Brown ( 70.822 ) a mold line to be metallic, I the! Wordpress.Com account problematic, due to some rather unsightly gaps, primarily between the upper and lower parts of Khaki! 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And Dragon Rampant Ettiny pochodz z drugiej edycji gry planszowej Descent wydanej przez.! The cloth again, acting more as a gemstone technique to the Green this as base. I put the paint, making its consistency more like regular paint. snowy Mountain.! Tone than a true Highlight I managed to pull off the look adequately a true Highlight Rune ve ever painted on the Fantasy board game Descent: Journeys in the Idols Nook, cranny, or any kind of texture, and the teeth were out! Sculpt is not true of most Ettins, who find their two can. Twitter account m still not entirely satisfied smooth and even blend from lights to darks on large. In these areas, but I m extremely proud of how this model turned out ( 70.946 was ' n'Jak, appears in the Dark ( Second Edition ) Wiki is a found! ' n'Jak, appears in the Descent: Journeys in the Dark ( Second Edition is Copyright Fantasy Games I agree, you are commenting using your Twitter account details below or click icon Previous mix reverse wet palette wicks some moisture out of the cloth would catch most. With each other, and I experienced our First foray into the world of Descent most Ettins, find