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Summer vacation, a much-beloved institution, is also negatively ranked at -,02. The greater the size of the effect, the greater the influence. endstream
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h�bbd```b``N��/A$�.�pDrt�H�h�� Sharing space at the bottom of the Visible Learning Ladder are the influencers mobility (-,34) home corporal punishment (-,33), television (-,18), and retention (-,17). The publisher has supplied this book in DRM Free form with digital watermarking. 2154 0 obj
This rating reflects the accuracy of an individual teacher's knowledge of students in his or her classes and how that knowledge determines the kinds of classroom activities and materials as well as the difficulty of the tasks assigned. He has continued to update and expand his database. Colette Bennett is a certified literacy specialist and curriculum coordinator with more than 20 years of classroom experience. Areas covered include the influence of the student, home, school, curricula, teacher, and teaching strategies. Visible learning is the essence of high yield student engagement. The Visible Learning website has several interactive graphics to illustrate these influences. This summary also refers to Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Development & Personality by Carol Dweck (2000) and Jo Boaler’s work on setting and social class. So, understanding how well this enormous investment in education is working requires a new kind of calculation in order to answer these questions. Way at the other end of the Hattie ranking spectrum, the bottom, the influencer of depression is given an effect score of -,42. Hattie noted that the title of his book was selected to help teachers "become evaluators of their own teaching” with the objective of giving teachers a better understanding of the positive or negative effects on student learning: Hattie used the data from multiple meta-analyses in order to get a "pooled estimate" or measure of an effect on student learning. To read this ebook on a mobile device (phone or tablet) you'll need to install one of these free apps: To download and read this eBook on a PC or Mac: The publisher has set limits on how much of this ebook you may print or copy. Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement by John Hattie. Visible Learning by John Hattie (2009) Summary by Gerry Miller (North Tyneside EAZ Consultant) John Hattie is Professor of Education at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. home life, socio-economic status, motivation) as an excuse for low achievement. (Quoted from Hattie, 2009, p. 22) Think about the VISIBLE TEACHING Criteria … The number one influencer at the top of the 2015 study is an effect labeled “teacher estimates of achievement." In order to categorize these effects by groups, Hattie organized the influences into six areas: Aggregating the data that was generated from these meta-analyses, Hattie determined the size of the effect each influence had on student learning. A major message is that what works best for students is similar to what works best for teachers – an attention to setting challenging learning intentions, being clear about what success means, and an attention to learning strategies for developing conceptual understanding about what teachers and students know and understand. For example, Hattie ranked studies that showed the effects of classroom discussions, problem-solving, and acceleration as well as studies that showed the impact of retention, television, and summer vacation on student learning.