1723. Until further notice acceptable forms of payments are: We do NOT accept cash or personal checks. During this time of the pandemic COVID-19 virus and in an effort to slow the spread of the virus, it is imperative that we take actions and limit our exposure to the virus. North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission 600 E. Boulevard Ave. 1st Floor Judicial Wing, Rm. For more information, please download the attached document. Click here to read the complete Executive Order. The Spirit Lake Tribe reservation was established by Treaty between the United States Government and the Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux Bands in 1867. Updated MHA TERO Self-Performing Preference List (4 Sept 2020) (PDF). The Reservation is located in East Central North Dakota. Today, the Arikara are still associated with the Hidatsa and Mandan tribes, known as the Three Affiliated Tribes. The Vision of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, a sovereign nation in the heart of North America, comprised of a people in harmony with our unique traditions and culture, is to achieve self-sufficiency, financial independence and healthy lifestyle through the knowledge and education of our most important asset our people. Click the button below for that meetings agenda. We are in the process of getting MHA Nation Identification Cards for our personnel. Thank you. They eventually established a trading center in South Dakota. We have organized our Native American mythology section by tribe to make them easier to locate; however, variants on the same legend are often told by American Indians from different tribes, especially if those tribes are kinfolk or neighbors to each other. Tribal Council is mandating all tribal programs and tribal entities utilize our localgrocery store and automotive shop. Effective immediately, a 3% of the total will be added to ALL payment amounts to cover expense of the credit card transaction fee. NDSU American Indian Public Health Resource Center Guidelines for Funerals, Wakes, and Feeds during COVID-19, Indian Health Service Corona Virus COVID-19Website, FEMA Fact Sheet on Assistance for Tribal Governments, John Hopkins Corona Virus COVID-19 Global Cases Map, Article: Misrepresenting Traditional Knowledge During COVID-19 is Dangerous, Article: How Virtual Beading Circles are Empowering Indigenous Women, Support for States, Tribes, Localities and Territories, Contact NDIBA by email at execdir@ndiba.com or lyman@ndiba.com. Emergency Preparedness Response Team! We need your support and effort to help protect our loved ones by practicing personal responsibility. TERO is currently having problems with accepting credit card payments. The list is comprised of Qualified Indian Contractors which have responded with a TERO questionnaire demonstrating their qualifications to perform specific work in the oilfield industry. PLEASE NOTE:THE MHA TERO LICENSING DEPARTMENT WILL STILL BE ACCEPTING AND PROCESSING APPLICATIONS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. In the 1700's the Arikara tribe came into contact with non-Indians and interacted with them through trade. The Arikara tribe was once part of the Northern branch of the Skidi Pawnee. The next TERO Commission Board Meeting is on January 14th, 2020 at 5 PM in the TERO Building. Limited Access to Tribal Administration Building, Summary of Proclamation of Emergency in response to COVID-19 Pandemic, Proclamation of Health State of Emergency. The Lake Traverse Reservation is located in the Northeastern part of South Dakota and a small portion of southeastern corner of North Dakota. Any designated official from a company or corporation will be required to provide an affidavit or company meeting authorizing that individual to sign for the company or corporation. We are recommending that those seeking a TERO Business License begin submitting application through email/fax. Notice: Temporary Modification to Bid Process (PDF), Notice: 2020 Pandemic Emergency Preference List (PDF), As We Continue to Keep Our Staff and Clients Safe During this COVID-19 Pandemic. Download Notice for Indian Contractors (PDF).