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The earliest edition of Motion of Light on Water (1988) didn't stand out as a great book when I read it. Thereafter, Chip's obsession with life and art intensified: he wrote and wrote (and excised whole pages at random from his first published novel, The Jewels of Aptor, in order to fit the publisher's format); he pursued homosexual sex (he writes of orgies in bathhouses and track parks) while enjoying a heterosexual relationship with Marilyn. Auden and Chester Kallman to dinner; they drank gin from paper cups and discussed poetry until the garbage caught fire. Water is a material, a metaphor, a social space. . Refresh and try again. -Hazel Carby"The prose of The Motion of Light in Water often has the shimmering beauty of the title itself. by Open Road Media Sci-Fi Fantasy, The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village (Paperback), The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village (Kindle Edition), The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village, 1957-1965 (Hardcover), The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village, 1960-1965 (Paperback), The Motion Of Light In Water (Paladin Books), The Motion Of Light In Water: Sex And Science Fiction Writing In The East Village (Hardcover), The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village (ebook), Die Bewegung von Licht in Wasser (Paperback), The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village (Audible Audio), Die Bewegung von Licht in Wasser (Kindle Edition), Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village (ebook), The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village. The 1993 edition is longer, including a lot more information than the 1988 edition, Born in New York City's black ghetto Harlem at the start of World War II, Samuel R. Delany married white poet Marilyn Hacker right out of high school. Warning: May contain spoilers. An autobiographical memoir covering the formative years of one of science fiction's intellectual heavyweights, the author of Dhalgren, The Einstein Intersection, the Neveryon sagas, etc., and only incidentally one of the few black writers to have won popular acclaim in a competitive, demanding, and often incestuous field. Tracking the movement of light across the surface of this most elusive subject, generations of photographers have faced challenges both technical and poetic. Despite the hostility of Marilyn's mother, the relationship endured past Marilyn's later miscarriage. A wealth of fascinating material, then, set forth in Delany's precise, elegant prose. Details about The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Villag. The other editions get longer and more detailed. The copyright 1988 book is the shortest, Delany not wanting to offend anyone and not naming names. -Inches MagazineBorn in New York City's black ghetto Harlem at the start of World War II, Samuel R. Delany married white poet Marilyn Hacker right out of … Provides insight not only into Delany's life, but also the times he lived in and how they influenced his writing. by Richard Kasak Book, First Richard Kasak Book Edition 1993. First printing October 1993., Paperback, 519 pages, Published 2004 by Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Published March 1st 1988 Get this from a library! Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The single drawback: Delany is so controlled a writer that you learn exactly what he wants you to learn--and no more. Presented by Robert Becker, President of LVPC, and Mark Wonsidler, LUAG Curator of Collections & Exhibitions. The Motion of Light in Water. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, and some welcome insight into the life of a writer. Published January 7th 2014 Click on a thumbnail to go to Google Books. Beautifully, vividly, insightfully, Delany calls up this era of exploration and adventure as he details his development as a black gay writer in an open marriage, with tertiary walk-ons by Bob Dylan, Stokely Carmichael, W. H. Auden, and James Baldwin, and a panoply of brilliantly drawn secondary characters. by Open Road Media Science & Fantasy, Published January 7th 2014 . ... Why doesn't the water level in a glass shift when a plane banks? A novel photo-responsive surface was constructed via modifying azobenzene-calix[4]arene (ABC4) on a microstructured silicon surface. Magazine Subscribers (How to Find Your Reader Number). Winner of the 1989 Hugo Award for Non-fiction. Effects ranging from crisp focus to ghostly blur and moods that span the playful to the turbulent are on view in this exhibition of works from the LUAG permanent collection. Published April 23rd 2004 A moving target for the camera’s eye, water appears and disappears as it changes shape and shifts from one state to another. Delany, you see, started writing straight out of high school.