Many people choose to reduce their calorie intake by 500 kcal per day to achieve weight loss. To lose 1lb a week, you need a calorie deficit of 500 cals/day. Daily Calorie needs Calorie savings per day = 1905 280 = 1625 calories per day. Burning up 3500 calories a day while eatng only 1500 is brutal, but it can be done. The average woman needs to eat about 2,000 calories per day to maintain her weight, and 1,500 calories per day to lose one pound of weight per week. Yes, in theory anyway. A deliberately active lifestyle can get you closer to your calorie-burn goal. If you're looking to burn 2,000 calories a day, it might be easier than you think. Unless you are a pro athlete, we do not advise you to burn 2000 calories per day. That is all the calories your body consumes. in 2 weeks The amount of calories you need to burn per day, depends on how much you are consuming. Up your game by doing these nine exercises shuffle and combine them to create a fun, fulfilling 60-minute workout. Ok, so 2000 calories is your TDEE - total daily energy expenditure. This is the number of calories you need to eat per day if you want to lose 5 pounds in 2 months! If you run a deficit of 500 calories a day, you will lose 1 pound a week. However, there are effective ways to exercise and burn 2000 calories in a week. If you burn 2250 calories a day, then you'll lose 1 lb. They are doable and have reduced risk of injuries. So 2000-1200 = 800 If you eat 2000 calories a day, then to lose weight you need to burn more than 2000 calories a day.