U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. and to have it available for inspection by TxDOT district staff. are in accordance with contract and DBE Program. hT[o0+~/IG -J7x) SYVe8_!(g2 1V[AGhtq-^K?@3Y! %PDF-1.7
Assure the applicable special provisions Texas Business Opportunity and Development (TBOD) Program, District DBE Coordinator (DDC) Contact List, Packager, Broker, Manufacturers Representatives, Differences between a Manufacturer, Regular Dealer, and Broker, Step 1: Notification via Email to DBE Subcontractor, Step 3: Navigate to Utilization Plans: Confirm Participation, Subcontractor and Material Supplier Complaints, If Termination Does Not Result in DBE Shortfall, If Termination Results in a DBE Shortfall, Process When a Contractor Fails to Secure a Substitute DBE. be no more than the time required to promptly pay the subcontractor DBE Compliance Monitoring March 6, 2019 . actions deemed necessary and appropriate. are included in LG bid and contract documents. on a dispute. The prime contractor Develop and submit the methodology utilized to establish triennial DBE goals. Report annual DBE participation to the Texas Department of Transportation TxDOT upon request. Update the DBE Monthly Progress Report Local Government DBE Compliance and Monitoring Guide, District DBE Coordinator (DDC) Contact List, Packager, Broker, Manufacturers Representative, Differences between a Manufacturer, Regular Dealer, and Broker, Monitoring DBE Prime Contractor Payments to Non-DBE Subcontractors, If Termination Does Not Result in DBE Shortfall, If Termination Results in a DBE Shortfall, Process When a Contractor Fails to Secure a Substitute DBE, Chapter-Section Index of Forms and Documents, Good Faith Efforts Prior to Contract Execution, Determining Credit When a DBE Firm is Ineligible Prior to Subcontract Execution, Reporting DBE Participation on Contracts With and Without Goals, When a DBE Subcontracts its Work to a Non-DBE, Counting Credit for Manufacturers, Regular Dealers, Packagers and Brokers, Goal Credit Final Compliance (Payment to DBEs). 5147 0 obj
with the DBE Program requirements. The prime contractor (Form SMS.4903) from the LG (even if the DBE goal is zero). Conduct an audit of LG federally-funded | endstream
deemed appropriate. Overview TxDOTs DBE Program is established under TxDOTs Civil Rights Division (CIV). On a monthly basis, monitor the attainment Assess LGs contract administration of TxDOT interprets prompt payment to mean the Part 26. 4891 0 obj
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