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We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Van Gogh and Picasso would certainly make the list as advanced doodlers, while musical geniuses like Beethoven and Mozart chose a different medium for the same creative instinct. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. The great literary minds of the 20th century would no doubt raise a toast to this curious indicator of heightened intelligence. your grammar, for a genius, is terrible. Get a job kid, you can't write. Theres a number of theories to explain this phenomenon, but it comes down to a few key factors. Why Are Americans Obsessed with Genealogy? Individuals possessing higher intelligence learn how to express themselves in abstract ways. It plays into the common conception of the more academically inclined among us that smarter people tend to spend less intimate time with other people. Severe anxiety played a central role in the onset of his insomnia. If it is a common error and can be understood it's not actually wrong. There are multiple run-on sentences, comma splices, and you do not know when it's appropriate to use hyphens. Even more ironically. More and more companies today are spending vast amounts of money "monitoring" their workforce levels of "job satisfaction" - now re-branded as engagement. The reason I love him so, is because he's by far the most developed human I've ever met. The facts simply show that there is a clear relationship between eye color and in what areas the person who owns them tends to excel. Through this process, the most intelligent minds will also possess the best genes in other categories as well. In short, super-achievers are always highly-ambitious, and the underlying drives or motives for success may vary from one individual to another (e.g., recognition or fame, power, freedom, hedonism, knowledge, etc), but when it comes to personality their profiles are remarkably similar: they are highly motivated and ambitious people. lol, I respectfully disagree with the author who states that the one thing high achievers "all seem to have in common is the lack of sleep.". How to Recover From Sleep Disruptions During the Pandemic. Perhaps the most disheveled and strange amongst us might be geniuses in disguise. It stands to reason that a brain developing outside the normal spectrum of human understanding might also adapt differently to its environment. A well-reported study claims that a comparison of 1,200 women with varying sizes of breasts showed that larger-breasted women tended towards having, on average, a 10-point IQ advantage to their smaller-breasted counterparts. This limits the amount of exposure to the opposite sex and therefore decreases the opportunities to procreate. Psychological traits of his personality (severe anxiety and depression) may have played a central role in the onset of insomnia.