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– but nobody’s watching. The crew gets an invitation for a meeting on the surface and a shuttle pod tries to break through the atmosphere. Menu. T'Pol is being recalled because of Enterprise's involvement in the destruction of the P'Jem sanctuary. T'Pol finds unusual neutrino readings on a planet with a preindustrial society. He says Zobral isn't as nice a man as captain Archer thinks. The members of the Enterprise crew are faced with various misadventures and challenges while taking a two day break from their duties on the planet of Risa. All of the sudden just under the shuttle a giant explosion begins and scorches the earth beneath. They want V'Lar for further interrogating. The crew of Enterprise searches for a seemingly abandoned ship on a desert planet. When the ship is miraculously saved from blowing up, crewman Daniels has an important message for Archer. Broken Bow: Part 1 & 2 87m. Throughout season 1 are numerous “spooky abandoned spacecraft” and “Vulcans are weird” storylines with scripts here and there standing out due only to character introductions. By viewing our video content you are accepting the terms Release year: 2001. 1. After the crew has landed, they encounter the Eska. Enterprise discovers a mining colony of the Paraagans. Then unexpectedly a Vulcan ship arrives. Movies. However, he discovers something unusual about the Menk, another humanoid race on the planet. TV … When Enterprise encounters a ship of Vulcan pilgrims, T'Pol is convinced by one of them to perform a Vulcan mind meld. Star Trek: Enterprise, originally titled Enterprise until Season 3, is the sixth series set in the Star Trek universe. S1, Ep2 26 Sep. 2001 Further scans however give a strange energy reading which seems to be coming from a ship on the surface. Season 1 – After starting with the excellent “Broken Bow”, quite possibly the strongest of any Star Trek series opener, most season one scripts are quite thin of plot and/or highly derivative. Enterprise, Earth's first Warp 5 vessel, embarks on a dangerous first mission: bringing back a chased Klingon to his home world of Qo'noS. © 2020 CBS Interactive. List of the best Star Trek: Enterprise episodes, as voted on by other fans of the series.In case you're not a Trekkie, Enterprise is set a century before the original Stark Trek series. It comes from a small vessel. After examination Enterprise finds out plasma leaking from the pod's vents ignited tetrazine in the atmosphere. She and Captain Archer are later kidnapped while visiting the planet Coridan. S1 E1 In fact, “Broken Bow”, the two-part premiere episode, gets things going off to a great start before the almost-obligatory blah feeling of an ST season one. Among these we may include “The Andorian Incident” (episode #7), which reintroduces the Andorian (you know, the blue dudes with antennae) and specifically the hot-headed Tholos, who would become an ally of the Enterprise. Almost the entire crew is left unconscious when four Ferengi pirates raid Enterprise. Archer, Trip and T'Pol are captured by the Andorians at a Vulcan monastery on P'Jem. ); the reason for the 23rd-century Klingons’ lack of bumpy foreheads, thus blowing away Worf’s elegant explanation on Deep Space Nine (“Affliction”/”Divergence”, #s 15-16); Orion slave girls (“Bound”, #17); and one more trip into the mirror universe (“In a Mirror Darkly”, #s 17-18) with the most amazing cold open in Star Trek history, no joke. After helping to repair the warp drive on board of a Xyrillian ship, Trip notices a strange bulging on his arm. Plot. Archer learns from the Suliban Sarin that Klaang was carrying a message to the Klingons to prevent civil war within the Klingon Empire.