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LEGACIES SEASON 2 RELEASE DATE, CAST, TRAILER, PLOT, Plec said: “I think when a key that would open the lock that is keeping evil Uncle Kai imprisoned shows up on your screen you should always be afraid ... and also super, super psyched — which, by the way, is not me saying that Chris Wood has agreed to come back because I have not gotten any answers out of him yet, but I would love nothing more.”. (He conveniently forgot to tell her about that second part. CW. Andy Swift / By The twins biological mom, Jo, was a twin of the Gemini Coven, and she died at the hands of her twin brother Kai on her wedding day (she was marrying Alaric) before the babies were born. If the twins learn of the prophecy, they could end up trying to siphon each other’s power out of sheer paranoia. ET on The CW. I don’t know others that exist like him: The sociopath who gains empathy for the first time in his life. ET on The CW. “I would love nothing more than to see that character again. Guys, I don’t think Landon isn’t the only “new hero” who rose up this week.). The psychopathic killer Kai Parker (Chris Wood) is making his return to the franchise in the Season 2 episode airing Feb. 6. Kai Parker has found a way to escape prison world. ... And not only that, if she does die … If his time away from Mystic Falls has changed him, Wood says, “it’s only made him worse because he was in hell getting tortured, so he hates everyone and everything and the most we can hope for is that he doesn’t kill everyone.”, It seems Kai will only be allowed to stay in the land of the living if he does some particularly evil things, so expect him to bring his villainous A-game. Alaric volunteered, but Sebastian popped up at the last minute to take his place. If you’re a big fan of The Vampire Diaries, you know that Kai Parker, played by Chris … This means the stronger twin will kill the weaker one to siphon their power. (For the record, it features a lot of early ’90s music and is both “scary” and “weird,” according to Wood. Legacies is a spin-off of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals and follows Hope Mikaelson (played by Danielle Rose Russell) at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. The return of Kai would not come as a huge surprise as the season finale heavily teased his return. Here's our take on this controversial matter. Chris Wood guest starring as Kai Parker on Legacies. Other Vampire Diarise veterans have appeared in Legacies including Alaric Salesman (Matthew Davis) Matt Donovan (Zach Roerig) and Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R McQueen) so hopefully, this is a strong sign that Kai will feature in the new season. Dorian magically (and somewhat questionably) snapped out of his trance in time to take the arrow for Landon, nearly dying in the process. Masquerading as an old friend of Alaric’s named Joshua (“I was at his wedding, I brought quite the gift!”), Kai infiltrated the facility with minimal effort, though he did need to compel someone to invite him inside. Kai, who is the uncle of Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Josie (Kaylee Bryant), is the only surviving members of the Gemini Coven. “I’m going to keep my fingers crossed and hope that I can make that work out one of these days.”, Legacies season 2 is currently in production. * Via the magic of astral projection, Lizzie told Sebastian that he might be able to escape the prison world by jumping into Malivore, just as Kai did last week. Either way, his number one priority has always been protecting his daughters, and I’m sure he’s going to do whatever it takes to save them both. There has been no official announcement on whether Malachai 'Kai' Parker will return for the new season of Legacies. Rafael waking up in that random trailer? It’s just a very unique arc that you can’t really replicate outside of this Mystic Falls world. And here’s the kicker: While all of this was going down, Kai distracted Hope long enough that she only had time to stop one atrocity from occurring, forcing her to choose between saving Landon or the Saltzmans. New episodes of Legacies air on Thursdays at 9 p.m. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Malachai "Kai" Parker was a major recurring character and the main antagonist of the sixth season of The Vampire Diaries.He also appears as a recurring character in the eighth season of the series. WILL THERE BE ANOTHER SERIES OF LEGACIES? We leave a lot of questions, but it’ll be very clear that we’ve been building to a big reveal and a big moment, and we’re really excited about the cliffhanger.”.