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3 years full-time or equivalent part-time. Course information on this page has not been endorsed by the education provider. We've designed our brand new Bachelor of Nursing to prepare you for the diversity and complexities of 21st century nursing. Visit Swinburne University of Technology's website to find out more about the course price for you. This course is not available to international students. With nursing courses at Swinburne, you’ll learn in cutting-edge facilities that simulate real-life situations and settings. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) approves the course to enable graduates to apply for registration as a Registered Nurse. Small class sizes will provide you with individualised support and assessments will be approached with an authentic, real-world view – all to help you develop into a well-rounded professional. Graduation date 2016. VCE prerequisites: Units 3 and 4: a minimum study score of 25 in English (or equivalent) or 30 in English (EAL). So be aware. Health Reference Center Academic (Gale) Full text database covering all aspects of nursing and allied health. Scholarships are available for both commencing and current students. Becoming a nurse is more than just a rewarding and fulfilling career choice — for many it’s a calling. View fee structure for B.Tech, BA, B.Des courses The course also has the approval of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: Swinburne University of Technology offers exceptional nursing education, through innovative teaching and learning and through strong industry partnerships. This information is intended to assist you to choose whether you can successfully participate in and complete a course. *The Good Universities Guide 2020: this rating is based on learner engagement, learning resources, overall quality of educational experience, skills development, student support and teaching quality. Swinburne’s general admissions information is also available here. Pathways allow students to progress from one qualification to another where the first course is recognised as an entry requirement and/or provides advanced standing to the second. ACSF Exit Level 4, or above, in both Reading and Numeracy as determined by an online literacy and numeracy test issued by Swinburne Online. Login Pathways allow students to progress from one qualification to another where the first course is recognised as an entry requirement and/or provides advanced standing to the second. Successful completion of the Bachelor of Nursing requires students to complete units of study to the value of 300 credit points. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne offered 20 courses across 12 degrees. The NMBA website sets out all of the registration standards that graduates must meet. Work placements in health, aged-care and community service mean students can graduate with industry experience and an edge for employment. Swinburne's Nursing degree is rated 5 stars for "educational experience" by undergraduate nursing students.*. to find out more about your study options. Only students who have completed a Diploma of Nursing from a public TAFE or dual-sector institution are eligible. Good nursing career once completed the course. engage effectively in the therapeutic care of individuals and the advancement of their discipline. toggle Collaboration and Partnerships menu, Recognition of prior learning & credit transfer, Work with our accreditation placement students, Knox Innovation, Opportunity and Sustainability Centre, 4 simple steps to setting up a partnership, Iverson Health Innovation Research Institute, View course rules and special requirements, Connecting with Culture: Indigenous Australian Experiences, Australian Heath Practitioner Regulation Agency, Full-time study: 100 credit points/eight standard units of study per year, Part-time study: 50 credit points/four standard units of study per year, One credit point is equivalent to one hour of study per week per semester (including contact hours and private study), engage in critical inquiry-orientated healthcare activities as a beginning registered nurse, to provide care to individuals, families and groups from diverse backgrounds across the lifespan, be highly literate in their use and management of information and evidence-based knowledge for greatest practice effect across a range of healthcare settings, demonstrate leadership within inter-professional teams through the use of personal, intellectual and creative autonomy, exhibit personal values and beliefs consistent with their role as responsible members of local, national and international and professional communities in a 21st Century healthcare workforce, recognise and value communication as a tool for negotiation and creating new understandings, interacting with others and furthering their own learning. 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