Previous Community Battle winner: Speedy Gonzales, Community Battle placed: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VS Street Sharks, The cast talks about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VS Street Sharks, Natsu VS Ace, and Star Wars, Previous Community Battle winner: Street Sharks. The Cast talk about Red Goblin, discuss the new Mega Man show, and debate who would win a death battle between Bowser and King K. Rool. Episode 92: Optimus Prime VS Gundam Sneak Peak, Episode 95: Nightwing VS. Check out the next week's Death Battle, the upcoming card and dice game, and a new/revived show on Rooster Teeth! Endeavor would ignore Rei's protests and beat her in front of Shoto. The cast answers your questions about the Raven VS twilight episode, we debate who would win between Storm and Korra and we meet two pineapple farmers Community Battle placed: Winston VS Gorilla Grodd, The cast talks about the process behind animating Raven VS Twilight, the new Smash Bros announcement, and Winston VS Gorilla Grodd, Previous Community Battle winner: Gorilla Grodd, Community Battle placed: Sly Cooper VS Rouge the Bat, The cast shows off a sneak peak of the fight animation for Kenshiro VS Jotaro and they talk about the editing process of DEATH BATTLE, things dying and who would win between Sly Cooper and Rouge the Bat, Community Battle placed: Yamcha VS Aquaman, The cast answers your questions about Jotaro VS Kenshiro, talks the new Dragon Ball Super trailer and debates who would win between Yamcha and Aquaman, Community Battle placed: Ignis VS the Meowscular Chef, (Note: The Community Battle is a cook-off instead of a death match. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. On the behind the scenes of Mob VS Tatsumaki, Luis explains the complexity and different 2D styles used in the fight animation. Previous Community Battle winner: USS Enterprise, Community Battle placed: Batman VS Black Panther, The Cast talks Batman VS Black Panther, Cats and Angelina Jolie, Community Battle placed: Angelina Jolie Battle Royale, The Cast goes in depth into the Smokey VS McGruff Death Battle, which Angelina Jolie could win in a battle royale and Daredevil's sexual rendezvous, Community Battle placed: Arnold Schwarzenegger VS Sylvester Stallone, The Cast talksArnold Schwarzenegger VS Sylvester Stallone, Torrian wants McDonald's and everything flies off the rails from there, Previous Community Battle winner:Arnold Schwarzenegger, Community Battle placed: Bruce Lee VS Jackie Chan. Previous Community Battle winner: Blue in "Scooby Doo VS Blue" and Face in "Face VS Zordon", Community Battle placed: Crimson Chin VS The Tick. Community Battle placed: The Blue Falcon VS The Mach 5, Previous Community Battle winner: The Blue Falcon, Community Battle placed: Juggernaut VS Pac-Man. Previous Community Battle winner: Handsome Jack, Community Battle placed: Shazam VS Superman. Previous Community Battle winner: All Might, Community Battle placed: Death Race Battle Royale (Mach 5 VS K.I.T.T. The Cast talks Kool-Aid Man VS Macho Man, Venom in DEATH BATTLE, the Iron Fist Netflix Series and more! Episode 78: Why Don't You Listen To Fans? Episode 90: Is Carnage Faster Than Light? Plus Cole Gallian joins us to talk editing, and make sure we don't miss any goofs. The latest DBX brings the hype! Community Battle placed: Alucard VS Dante. LoboGuara5bruxaria/My Favorites Death Battles,, Has precise control while element is being generated, Todoroki is the 24th Shueisha character to appear, after, He is the second My Hero Academia character to appear, after, He is the 13th Shueisha character to win, after, Todoroki is the fifth Anime/Manga character to fight against a Cartoon character, after. The Cast talks Gimli VS Tyrion, Comic characters teaming up with legendary Pokemon and they desperately try to explain things to Torrian. Previous Community Battle winner: Rocket & Groot. DEATH BATTLE! LoboGuara5bruxaria/My Favorites Death Battles,, DC Comics has the highest amount of winners with 18 with, Marvel Comics has the second highest amount of winners with 14 with, Dragon Ball has the third highest amount of winners with 5 with, Marvel Comics has the highest amount of losers with 18 with, DC Comics has the second highest amount of losers with 8 with, Street Fighter has the third highest amount of losers with 7 with, Mega Man, Super Mario, Mortal Kombat and Sonic the Hedgehog are tied for the third highest amount of losers with 6 with, Marvel Comics has the highest amount of combatants with 29 with, DC Comics has the second highest amount of combatants with 24 with, Red vs. Blue has the third highest amount of combatants with 11 with, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are tied for the fourth highest amount of combatants with 10 with.