|, 210 Helpful. Also available: Waiting for Baby , You and Me , and Look at Me! 8,80 €, 7,08 € ... watercolors and graphite or grease pencil outlines are friendly and exuberant." javascript:EditTextDlgSubmit() Readertotz blog "The child's constant smiles, even when things get a little rough ('Why is Baby crying? For example, we use cookies to conduct research and diagnostics to improve our content, products and services, and to measure and analyse the performance of our services. L. Celis. ", "This baby smells nice," "Is the baby clean yet?". I think this book good for preparing my daughter for her new sibling because the children in the pictures could be either sex so we can address them to suit our situation. I have purchased a couple of books for my toddler to help prepare him for his new sibling. Throughout, the child asks questions and makes exclamations with complete enthusiasm: “How big is the baby? Publishers Weekly. Comment Report abuse. I felt it move! 8,80 €, 5,76 € currency or language preferences), and display features, products and services (e.g. One person found this helpful. Some examples are, "Is the baby hungry? 8,80 €, 6,07 € A new addition to any family is exciting, but the experience can alsobe worrying and confusing for siblings. It is part of a series - Waiting for Baby, You and Me and Look at Me - and stimulated much discussion about the different emotions, both pleasing and anxious, associated with a new arrival. The simple conversational text and lively illustrations are carefully designed to encourage further dialogue between reader and child. The text is very simple, and easy for young children to relate to . "Why does the baby always have milk?" 17 awesome graphic novels for kids 6,20 €, 7,08 € The other titles in the New Baby series are My New Baby (ISBN: 978-1-84643-276-7), Look at Me! Carousel "These four books in the New Baby series are just right for toddlers awaiting and adjusting to the birth of a new sibling. Dive into Rowley's imagination for this epic adventure that follows Roland and his best friend, Garg the Barbarian, as they set out to rescue his mom from the … We use cookies and similar tools, including those used by approved third parties (collectively, "cookies") for the purposes described below.You can learn more about how we (plus approved third parties) use cookies and how to change your settings by visiting the Cookies notice. 10,30 €, 8,24 €