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Aber er wird zu ihrem schlimmsten Alptraum, als das unbedarfte Mdchen in New York ankommt und lernt, dass das alte Sprichwort recht hat: Triff niemals, A-Train ist Mitglied der Seven und der schnellste Mensch der Welt. The Boys Staffel 2, erscheint am 4. Or is there a cog in the gears that the series doesnt want us to know about yet; someone whose manipulation at the hands of Lamplighter could spell trouble for everyone? One of the first patients of Sage Grove to appear, this Supe's power is portrayed like Nightcrawler on dial-up internet. Seemingly quiet and mild-mannered at first, it becomes an immediate red flag to see Lamplighter so concerned about her escaping. Lamplighter was regretful and wanted Mallory to kill him, but now knowing the story, Frenchie urged Mallory to spare him. Afterthe Supe heaveson Lamplighter, Kimiko manages to take this Xenomorph wannabe down, resulting in him puking all over himself, almost immediately dissolving his head to a fizzy pulp. Prime Video verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen bestimmte Dienste zur Verfgung zu stellen, einschlielich Authentifizierung, Speicherung von Einstellungen und Bereitstellung von Inhalten. Mit dem Gesicht eines Filmstars und den Supermchten eines Gottes ist Homelander der grte Superheld der Welt und der Anfhrer der Seven. At the center, Vought is running tests on patients who are imprisoned in the facility. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Damit kann sie durch die Luft fliegen, ihre Gegner auer Gefecht setzen oder alles, was leichter als eine Boeing ist, aus dem Weg rumen. Seine langen Tauchsprnge sind legendr. Our first look at Lamplighter in The Boys Season 2 raises a lot of questions about Shawn Ashmore's 'retired' supe. Als Kriegerin, Feministin, Menschenfreundin und Mitglied der Seven ist Queen Maeve das ultimative Vorbild fr kleine Mdchen auf der ganzen Welt. Das Sage Grove Center sorgt sich rhrend um geistig Kranke. WENN SIE GLAUBEN, EINEN SUPERSCHURKEN GESEHEN ZU HABEN, NHERN SIE SICH IHM NICHT. Starlight and Stormfront bond at a press junket and the Boys hunt down a super terrorist with a startling identity. broke into the psychiatric facility with Annies help and posed as nurses. Though we hadnt seen the fire-powered Lamplighter on screen until now, hes been discussed a few times before in Amazons brutal superhero adaptation. So, about those supes from the Sage Grove Center.. TV-Show. Stormfront told him that shed be back in twenty minutes after a meeting at Vought Tower. You dont gotta to look him in the face!, Look, no ones ever achieved anything without sacrifice, Stormfront replies on the other end. Lernen Sie Warnzeichen zu erkennen! Weitere Informationen darber, wie Amazon Cookies verwendet, finden Sie in den Amazon-Cookie-Hinweisen. THE BOYS is an irreverent take on what happens when superheroes, who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians and as revered as Gods, abuse their superpowers rather than use them for good. In We Gotta Go Now, we get our first introduction to the Green Lantern-esque Lamplighter in a brief scene that aligns him with the despicable Stormfront, but that also gives us an inkling that all is not well when it comes to his wavering psyche and ongoing loyalty to Vought. Not only is his power all kinds of disgusting, but it's grotesquely terrifying too. Throughout the episode, we saw flashbacks of Mallorys recruitment of Frenchie, whose real name was Serge. Aber er wird zu ihrem schlimmsten Alptraum, als das unbedarfte Mdchen in New York ankommt und lernt, dass das alte Sprichwort recht hat: Triff niemals deine Helden. In reality, the center is a subsidiary of Vought International. In reality, the center is a subsidiary of Vought International. Related: The Boys: Why Mother's Milk's Dad Fought Vought in the Comic. Sie kennen uns womglich als Heimat Ihrer liebsten Helden, aber wir sind noch so viel mehr.