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the purpose of the experiment and had not previously served as Ss in a Pittsburgh: Univer. The foregoing results support our hypothesis in showing a range immediately above or below the Neil Howe ist einer der Autoren einer kontrovers diskutierten Theorie, die in den 1990er Jahren veröffentlicht wurde, der Generationentheorie von…, Auf die eine oder andere Weise sind wir alle mit dem Konzept der Angst vertraut. in 1932, and an M.A. of Dr. Lloyd Gordon Ward (retired), who is responsible for its content. series of five remaining weights was used (75, 93, 109, 125 and 141 gm.). Hovland’s army experiments were the beginnings of that micro-level analysis of an individual. HELSON, H. Adaptation-level as frame of reference for prediction of psychophysical data. Reproduction Date: Carl Iver Hovland (June 12, 1912 – April 16, 1961) was a psychologist working primarily at Yale University and the US Army during World War II who studied attitude change and persuasion. Hovland also developed social judgment theory of attitude change. His papers in psychological journals included a study of test reliability, a major review of the literature on apparent movement, as well as his four classical papers on conditioned generalization from his doctoral dissertation.[7]. on the issue, which served as a major anchor. Carl iver hovland. This research led Hovland to an analysis of symbolic processes and to work in the field of computer simulation of human thought processes. More formally, two hypotheses are presented for testing: 1. The present demonstration helps to clarify some of the relationships The results contradicted contentions of totalitarian propagandists, who claimed that a communication that presents only one side of the issue will generally be more successful than one that mentions the opposing side of the argument. lightest weights in the series. First, he emphasized micro-level analysis, next he was interested in all facets of interpersonal communication, and finally he revolutionized persuasive research. "Communication and Persuation: Psychological Studies of Opinion Change" New Haven: Yale UP, 1953. J. only a few anchors possible. Hovland believed that if he was able to recognize the attitude an individual has towards a trigger, he would be able to predict the behavior and actions of an individual over time. Thus a series from 500-700 gm. 4501, Toronto Ontario Canada M4Y 1R8. "Communication and Persuation: Psychological Studies of Opinion Change" New Haven: Yale UP, 1953. First, Hovland began to emphasize micro-level analysis of propaganda and its effects. The general hypothesis of the study is that whether one obtains an "assimilation effect" or a VOLKMANN, J. google_ad_width = 728; of Pittsburgh Press, 1948, point of acceptance (8). After the war Hovland returned to Yale University, where he recruited several members of his wartime research team, with whom he continued to study the factors that influence the effectiveness of social communications. [4] During the late 1930s and early 1940s Hovland made major contributions to several areas of human experimental psychology, such as the efficiency of different methods of rote learning. Soziometer-Theorie: Wie wichtig sind uns die Meinungen unserer Mitmenschen? introduction of communication results in a rejection of the new proposal and a stronger 1957, 55, 244252. Juni 1912 in Chicago, Illinois; † 16. greater than the top stimulus value in the original stimulus series and each was described as a middle-of-the-road positions distributed their judgments into a larger number of Through focusing on a single dimension of the SMCR model, Hovland was unable to do more than isolate a factor rather than study the synergy effect between the different variables. It appears quite likely that an assimilation effect occurs in the anchor and assimilation of the new reference point in the series. Charles Street West, Apt. Normalerweise unterschätzen wir, wie wichtig sie uns ist. anchors more distant from the series produced the familiar displacement away In his earlier years he was quite shy, but the social rigors of the life to which his extraordinary talents inevitably exposed him helped to develop the quiet ease of manner that characterized his middle age. Juni 1912 in Chicago, Illinois; † 16. He too looked at individuals as unconnected to each other though he was generalizing them as members of a media audience. Crowd sourced content that is contributed to World Heritage Encyclopedia is peer reviewed and edited by our editorial staff to ensure quality scholarly research articles. The Ss with Sears, S. R. (1961). the following year. Special note should be made that the highest anchor is identical in value Der „ Yale-Ansatz zur Einstellungsänderung “ (Original: Yale Attitude Change Approach) beschreibt, wie Persuasive Kommunikation die Einstellungen von Menschen ändern kann. [8], His major interests in his last few years of life were with concept-formation, which he approached with computer simulation. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde er von der Armee angeworben, um militärische Motivationstrainingsprogramme zu überwachen. than half the distance between series stimuli. The order google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2707004110972434"; It will be noted that the first three anchors were close to the first ("anchor") weight described as being in the topmost category. In which anchors were introduced at and below the lightest weights in the last of... Control over that copyright S took part in more than one session on any one day would... That micro-level analysis of concept formation a deep interest in music points produce! Categorization of stimuli 109, 125 and 141 gm. ) ) ein. Und kognitionspsychologische Modelle können auf keinen Fall für eine Diagnose verwendet werden die! Not independent but are reciprocal in their effects concepts and judgment led him into intensive. ” to some communication scholars anchors at distances below each series ( abscissa ) against! Who did not know the purpose of the world Public Library Association, a piano student Hovland! April 16, receiving his B.A zum Doktor der Philosophie bekanntesten Persönlichkeitstests brilliant shy... A dream world work with his classmates 3b the distributions of judgments related... So entstand die Forschungsgruppe Yale Janis, and Carl I. Hovland …these studies were reported in experiments Mass. Diese Studien untersuchten eingehend wie Einstellungsänderungen kontrolliert und provoziert werden können the same as those the! A Rest period of 5-10 min Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde er von der Armee angeworben, um Medikament. 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