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Weir's book is an extended and well-documented attempt to combat those who would challenge Richard III's guilt. Her books cover the lives of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and Eleanor Aquitaine, along with the controversy surrounding the famed story of the Princes in the Tower. For one, Edward had married into a lower class family known as the Wydvilles, who were eager to increase their power and who were widely despised. In the 15th century, this gateway between the inner and outer wards was known as the ‘Garden Tower’, as it bordered the garden of the Lieutenant’s Lodgings. According to the story he spun to the powers of Europe, ‘Prince Richard’ – in reality Perkin Warbeck of Tournai – had escaped the Tower with the aid of a powerful lord. The coronation ceremony of Edward V was to be held on June 22, 1483. Historic Mysteries is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases. The year is 1464 and England has been at war for nine years battling over who is the rightful King of England - it is a war between two sides of the same family, The House of York and The House of Lancaster. Unfortunately, authorities at Westminster Abbey have forbidden further examination of the bones, to date. | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | DMCA Notice, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The princes’ story served as a reminder to his restive subjects of the dangers of deposition and of opposing the true succession. Their parents were Edward IV and his wife, Elizabeth Woodville. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: what’s the story? Such belief would fuel a rebellion against his rule in October 1483. Edward V, retrieved 4/10/10. Could they have been murdered by the order of the new king? Sources: Edward was born in Westminster Abbey in 1470 and sent to Ludlow Castle to be educated. As well as ordering that Henry VI’s body be exhibited in London “open-visaged” (with his face visible), Edward IV had commanded that the naked corpse of his rebel kinsman Warwick ‘the Kingmaker’ be left on display at St Paul’s. It united surprisingly disparate forces, including the late Edward IV’s followers, Queen Elizabeth, the Lancastrian born Margaret Beaufort and her exiled son Henry Tudor, and even the Duke of Buckingham – the man who had recently been one of Richard’s most public supporters. The two boys now remembered as the ‘Princes in the Tower’ were the sons of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville: Edward V and Richard. Edward was later brought to the Tower of London where he was supposed to be. Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Synopsis submission guide. That was not to be the case as Edward IV’s will went missing and exactly what form of government he had hoped to establish was soon overtaken by events.