YEAH, I'LL PLAY YOUR GAME OF DARES, LITTLE GIRL. I AM STARVING. WHAT? YOU'VE GOT NO RHYTHM, NO COORDINATION. The day Kobe Bean Bryant was charged with sexual assault.”, “Hmm... 'Boil water.' [ Gasps ] DID HE OFFER YOU A FIG? American Dad Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. I WAS FINALLY MAKING YOU PROUD, FRANCINE. [ Sighs ] Virgin birth. I don't know shit about hugging.”, “Everyone knows blondes get more attention. ), THAT'S RIGHT, BECAUSE YOU'RE A SPOILED BRAT! CHECK IT OUT. This kid right here is just wasting his Charizard. My childhood died on July 18, 2003. The Loop (TV) Do you like this video? HE WAS SCREAMING, SPITTING GRAPES. IS THIS FOR THE TACO ON THE DRESS? Release Dates ♪ OH, BOY IT'S SWELL TO SAY ♪ - YOU KNEW THE WHOLE TIME? FEED THEM TO ME! © 2020 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. That's gonna cost me $7!”, “It's called 'Fortress of Solitude.' DID I CLEAN MY TOILET WITH A WASHCLOTH AND THEN JAM IT INTO YOUR MOTHER'S MOUTH? With Seth MacFarlane, Wendy Schaal, Scott Grimes, Rachael MacFarlane. Trata-se de Klaus, um libidinoso peixe dourado que fala alemão. DON'T CRY, ROGER. BACK-UP DANCING. OH. HAVE A BEAUTIFUL TIME. [ Distorted ] GET HERE BY MIDNIGHT, OR WE CUT OFF HIS HEAD. HE'S LOOKING AT ME. THAT IS REALLY STUPID. I KNOW I'VE BEEN A REAL PAIN, BUT I'M GONNA BE SUPER NICE FROM NOW ON. - OF COURSE. I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF! Imagine that.”, “I've been experimenting with steroids. You won't truly appreciate the awkwardness of this moment until you're fondly reminiscing as a 35-year-old homosexual.”, Failure is Not a Factory-Installed Option, “When you're locked in a cadillac sinking to the bottom of the ocean, you either learn about cars or you die.”, “All I have to do is get married by next week and I can get my blender in time for Grey's Anatomy!”, “Wow he is rough on you. HE'LL SAY, "HOW DO YOU KNOW?" WELL, WHAT DID HE SAY? HE JUST MADE ME LAUGH FOR 10 MINUTES STRAIGHT. American Dad! The American Dad Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. I'M SAD! OF COURSE HE'S LOST. TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHICH TRUCK IS THE MOST RUGGED. THRUST IT! Tudo o que acontece em Frannie 911 você confere aqui. OKAY. SEND ME STEVE. The American Dad Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. ONE FOR PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM! OOP. THE LIKES OF WHICH HASN'T BEEN FELT SINCE WHOOPI HOSTED THE OSCARS, THEN BRAVO! NO! OKAY, OKAY. BUT WE HEAR WHAT YOU'RE SAYING. OH, HI, STAN. YOU ARE TERRIBLE. IF I WERE WRITING A PLAY-- WHICH I AM, BUT NOT ABOUT KIDNAPPING-- I'D SET IT HERE. A missão desta família de personalidades tão diferentes é continuar se amando num mundo cada vez mais estressante. AND I DIDN'T WANT THE NAPKINS FLYING ALL OVER THE YARD. Francine fakes Roger's kidnapping so that she can prove to Roger that Stan still cares about him. “That's all there is; there isn't anymore.” —Ethel Barrymore, The series focuses on an eccentric motley crew that is the Smith family and their three housemates: Father, husband, and breadwinner Stan Smith; his better half housewife, Francine Smith; their college-aged daughter, Hayley Smith; and their high-school-ag, “ I once got him to drink my pee by telling him it was a fancy beer.”, “Mom, he's like eight years old. | Is there something wrong with my legs? YOU TOOK HIS LAND. I'LL GO HOME AND TRY TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED. UH! I'LL DO ANYTHING. Feel good? OH, YEAH, THAT'S THE STUFF! I TOLD YOU IT WOULDN'T KILL YOU TO BE NICE. OH, ROGER, YOU'RE BACK! If we make a mistake, we cover it up. AREN'T THEY THE SAME THING? WHAT? YOU'RE ALWAYS DOING IT. THAT'S WHEN THE MOVIE STARTS, SIR. NOW I'LL NEVER KNOW HOW THAT GHOST LEFT FOOTPRINTS! IT'S SO BRIGHT AND CHEERY IN HERE. Next to 'Miranda Rights,' I wrote, 'Miranda has the right to a decent man who will help her raise her baby.' ROGER'S BACK TO HIS OLD WAYS. UH! [ Sobbing ] IT WAS HERE WHEN I GOT HERE. WHAT'S NEXT? STAN, HOW COME YOU ASKED WHERE THE CHANGE JAR WAS LAST NIGHT? Edit. E com Stan como chefe da família, o páreo não será fácil. TO YOUR CONVERSATION THE ENTIRE TIME. JUST WATCHING COMMERCIALS. CAN I COME WITH? FEEL LIKE A BIG MAN? [ Screams ] It's called pepperoni.”, “When I have a baby, I'm going to name it 'Recycle. [ Moans ] WILL YOU CARRY ME? GIVE US ALL YOU GOT. I'M VERY SORRY. THAT WASN'T SAYING SOMETHING. I'VE GOT WHAT I NEED. YOU SET THE PRICE TOO HIGH. All rights reserved. YOU DESTROYED MY STUDY! Stan Smith trabalha para a CIA e está sempre em alerta em relação a atividades terroristas. I DON'T LIKE YOU EITHER.