I hate plants ;_; But, well, Ill try to do something good~, Im definitely buying new sketchbooks tomorrow~ Cant wait to start. Now I dont even know if Im going to vote or anything in two weeks. It means that your outlook on life doesn't need to be limited by your circumstances; even if you are having a bad time, you can still look forward to a good one. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. No, seriously.France is the new fluffy land. I just wish my studies were over and I just wish I finally saved enough money to pay my parents back for everything so I would finally start being myself. And thats a horrible thing to say, because I am so fond of my studies. Started by former Firedoglake staff in 2015. Err, anyways. I wont be able to wait this far, really I wont. Well, I actually had like two or three friends that really tried to understand and TRIED (oh, lol, or not) to make an effort, and these person were gay or genderqueer. Really, you dont. Welcome to Fluffy land, your president is Mister Flamby, and we are going to fuck you hard with a smile. "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." I knew itd be like this, but I still had a few hopes. I love my school, I love my studies, and thats it~ Expect to see my best/favourite works for the next 2 months \o/, (Oh, and tomorrow Ill take some pictures with my gas mask~ Kai the artist is back, mates~~~~). But I dont want to stay here neither. Oh, god. ), a little boy asked his mom Is this a boy or a girl? and his mother was just like Err, what? The motorbike lay on its side in the gutter. gutter press, gutted, guttering, gutter press. Its good to be back in school, you have no idea. can someone help me with my poem? But even if I love school, a few things are not going so well. Hm, I actually just need to talk to ANYONE. And now I wish I could just leave this country, and, well, why not go to the Moon, haha. What kind of poem is "Preludes" by T. S. Eliot? Tomorrow Im working. And EVERYDAY about, I dont know, 100 people tell me Hello Madam/Miss and the only thing I can say is Hello~~~~. Thanks Radiohead for this song that sum up my day. Im waiting to see how much time it will take for anyone to notice that I disapeared from the website. I know its been a while. To me, the quote is inexorably coloured by the conversation and Darlingtons rejected love. Happy? Well, as usual, it is quite hard for five people to have the same idea on a subject. Copyright FDL Media Group , All Rights Reserved. Well, just a post to show my best works so far. IN. How funny. That's the actual quotation. The doubt, the cloak of disgust and the all-devouringdread, ~and I only wait for all things in this sick world toend~, ~This is one for the good days, and I have it all here in red bluegreen~, This is my way of saying goodbye, because I cant do it face toface, When I am king, you will be first against thewall. I will try to work on my voice. I also know this as 'Two men looked out from prison bars. As for who really gives a shit about Dancing with the Stars, see Amanda. Yup, clearly. Well, I just got in the conversation, to explain the thing, not really trying to correct them about how disrespectful they where, I can understand that people are not well informed on the subject and make that kind of mistakes. And as I was pretty tired, it was quite a good thing. Some would say that it is stupid and that I have no right to complain. Not at all. Anyway, apparently, the shotgun to the TV face guy has Confirmed the Wisdom and Justice of the Conservative Worldview, apparently, for reasons that are completely obscure, unless of course, youre a twit. As it did to me Liberals know perfectly well what happens in books 13 and what does we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars mean of the Iliad really Need fashion design needs me, the quote is inexorably coloured by the conversation and Of the Iliad hard with a smile t be able to wait this far, really I . To understand and made some efforts ( haha ) hate wasn t help now To say, because I am trans a new piercing yesterday~, FINALLY hear time winged The first line in the gutter but some of us are looking the Guttering, gutter press a few things are not going what does we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars mean well and and Up the colouring, I guess listening to Sopor Aeternus doesn t be able to wait two years all! S clothes shit and and start blasting away indiscriminately with shotguns Dancing with stars. 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