var _Hasync= _Hasync|| []; Half-yearly progress report of the scholar. The selected candidates will receive a grant of INR 3600 per annum and the fee incurred by the scholar to pay the Guru/ teacher is reimbursed up to a maximum of INR 9000 per annum. Eligibility Criteria of Tagore National Fellowship For Cultural Research 2019: Your email address will not be published. Applications should not be sent to the Ministry of Culture or Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. The Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT) is one of the primary institutions working towards linking education with the diverse Indian culture. _Hasync.push(['Histats.start', '1,4005005,4,0,0,0,00010000']); The Scheme is open to both Indian and foreign nationals. So please contact with the institutions. Required fields are marked *. For NMMS scheme please register as Scholarship Scheme. b. The Scheme has been introduced in order to invigorate and revitalise the various institutions under the Ministry of Culture (MoC) and other identified cultural institutions in the country, by encouraging scholars/ academicians to affiliate themselves with these institutions to work on projects of mutual interest. Only those candidates are eligible for the fellowship scheme who have good academic or Professional knowledge and have made great contribution to knowledge in related field. Then here you have to click on the Link of “Schemes”. The Ministry of Culture, Government of India, invites nominations/applications for the award of 45 Fellowships and 75 Scholarships in the Scheme component of Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research (TNFCR) under the Scheme of Scholarship and Fellowship for Promotion of Art and Culture. Keep Reading this article to get the complete details about the Tagore National Fellowship 2019. Those candidates can apply for the fellowship who is good in creativity and Creative work in any field of Art or Culture. of India. scholarship ministry of culture fellowship arts fellowship ccrt 400 junior and senior fellowships 2019 ccrt junior and senior fellowships Related Articles on Admission Diary CBSE CTET December 2019 Application Process to Conclude in Two days, Check Details Here The students falling under the age group of 10-14 years. })(); All content and material provided in this website is for reference purpose only, to know more click here read our Disclaimer. (function() { Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research Component- Guidelines(New) (251 KB) Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research Component- Contact details (30 KB) Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research Component- Final Project Reports of Tagore Fellows/Scholars Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research … The scheme will cover Ministry of Culture (MoC) & Non-MoC cultural institutions. Candidates send the application form by below address. Scholars who have sound academic or professional credentials and have made significant contribution to knowledge in their respective fields. Selection will be based on the following subjects –. The students falling under the age group of 10-14 years. Bhave Scholarship 2020 Apply Online [Savitribai Phule Pune University], CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme For Single Girl Child, CBSE Scholarship Scheme for 10th/12th students, CBSE Scholarship Scheme Online Application Form, Rajasthan Scholarship Scheme Eligibility Criteria, Uttar Pradesh Scholarship Scheme Online Registration, The Ministry of Culture, Government Of India, Tagore National Fellowship For Cultural Research 2019. Study in Taiwan for Bachelor, Master or PhD degrees submit the application form its... And Culture activities objective of the second category will be based on following! National scholarship Portal is open to both Indian and foreign nationals accepted by the authorities application need... Signature at the mention space on the application by checking the all details the... Creative work in any field of Art or Culture email address will not be sent to the of! Had announced the notification for Center for Cultural Research ( TNFCR ) of and! 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