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No, Anthony’s “Johanna” is a ballad while the Judge’s “Johanna” certainly is not. In Bond's play and its subsequent adaptations by Stephen Sondheim and Tim Burton, Judge Turpin is first seen having Benjamin Barker arrested and exiled to Australia in order to have Barker's wife, Lucy, all to himself. Judge Turpin finally gets what he wants from Johanna, who eagerly supplies. Underage; Johanna Barker/Judge Turpin; Johanna Barker; Judge Turpin; Unrequited Love; Angst; Age Difference; Summary. Judge Turpin (also known as Lord Turpin) is a fictional character in the various adaptations of the story Sweeney Todd. He is a corrupt judge who ruined the life of Sweeney Todd. Please consider turning it on! Tags. More to the point, the agony comes not from a severe whipping, but from intense guilt. Turpin promptly leaves, renouncing Todd's business. The Maid of Orléans is the Whore of Babylon. Set pre-film. Kristi Frank in The Shaw Festival's production of Sweeney Todd (Photo by David Cooper). Down!”. Turpin’s “Johanna” was the 13th song that Sondheim wrote for the show. Before bleeding to death, Turpin grabs at Mrs. Lovett's dress. His book, The Great Parade: Broadway’s Astonishing, Never-To-Be Forgotten 1963-1964 Season is now available at www.amazon.com. No, for them to form an opinion on Turpin’s “Johanna,” they had to hear it – and they did, on the original cast album, in one of the reasonably rare instances when a dropped song makes it to an official recording. On Beadle Bamford's advice, he goes for a shave at Sweeney Todd's barber shop, in order to impress Johanna—unaware that Todd is in fact Barker, returned from Australia and seeking revenge. Based on the beloved holiday film, this hilarious fish-out-of-water comedy follows Buddy the Elf in his quest to find his true identity. This has been changed in 1929 ('The Age of Marriage Act') but since the timeline for both the movie "Sweeney Todd" and my little story is about 1880. (We accept donations year round, so if you haven't donated yet, there's still time to add your support!). In the book, Sondheim recalled that Prince was “extremely offended” by the song “and felt the audience would be, too. A new take on Stephen Sondheim’s and James Lapine’s groundbreaking musical fairytale about wishes and the choices we make. Based on Louisa May Alcott's American classic, this Civil War story of love and family stands the test of time. Judge Turpin (also known as Lord Turpin) is a fictional character in the various adaptations of the story Sweeney Todd. Two brothers set out to write the world’s first musical in this hilarious mash-up of sixteenth-century Shakespeare and twenty-first-century Broadway. Who loves whom in Todd's London? Prince found it “explicit and gruesome.” Many cast members agreed, so out it went. the ultimate feel-good show! She refuses, to which he seems baffled. Even a quarter-century later, when the film version was being readied, Burton and screenwriter John Logan cut this “Johanna” as quickly as Sweeney cuts throats. When he spots Anthony Hope looking at Johanna, he has him beaten and threatens to kill him if he ever returns. Judge Turpin. Work Search: Fifteen years before the show's events, Turpin was a corrupt judge who lusted over Benjamin Baker's wife Lucy. In the musical Judge Turpin sings only one song by himself. Your choice!). Only nightmares." Johanna Barker - "Never had dreams. Nor is Turpin’s “Johanna” the same one that Sweeney sings in Act Two. It has Turpin on his knees as a voyeur, peeking through a keyhole into the room where Johanna, his ward since infancy, is doing nothing in particular. Judge Turpin is the main antagonist of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street.. Lemon. Feel free to leave any comments or critiques, and thank you ever so much for stopping by :)- Jinxx. Down! Turpin often made it clear that if he could, He would have sent me to the work house and kept Johanna, but it would have been odd for him to take one child but dispose of the other.