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Today's Libra rise, transit and set times from Libra was known in Babylonian astronomy as MUL Zibanu (the "scales" or "balance"), or alternatively as the Claws of the Scorpion. If you find this website useful please consider a small donation that will help covering hosting costs. P.K. An Earth-mass planet in the GJ 581 planetary system", "Major Discovery: New Planet Could Harbor Water and Life", "Earth-Like Planet Can Sustain Life : Discovery News", The Deep Photographic Guide to the Constellations: Libra, Warburg Institute Iconographic Database (over 300 medieval and early modern images of Libra), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Libra_(constellation)&oldid=963138291, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 June 2020, at 02:38. It is fairly faint, with no first magnitude stars, and lies between Virgo to the west and Scorpius to the east. [2] The three-letter abbreviation for the constellation, as adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1922, is "Lib". list of 85 bright stars in the constellation of Libra, complete list of 78 deep sky objects It was not redesignated as Sigma Librae until 1851 by Benjamin A. Gould. The most common and relevant explanation of the constellation Libra is that the scales that represent the Libra constellation belong to the figure of the constellation Virgo. Rank: 29th. Despite its size of 538 square degrees, the Libra is not particularly easy to … The brightest star in Libra, it is a green-tinged star of magnitude 2.6, 160 light-years from Earth. See also the complete This creates a very interesting issue for both constellation myths. In which year was the exoplanet Kepler-452b discovered? In tropical astrology, the Sun is considered to be in the sign Libra from the northern autumnal equinox (c. September 23) to on or about October 23, and in sidereal astrology, from October 16 to November 15. in the constellation of Libra. [3], Delta Librae is an Algol-type eclipsing variable star, 304 lightyears from Earth. Thank you! Sigma Librae (the proper name is Brachium[4]) was formerly known as Gamma Scorpii despite being well inside the boundaries of Libra. [5], It was also seen as the Scorpion's Claws in ancient Greece. In the equatorial coordinate system, the right ascension coordinates of these borders lie between  14h 22m 08.08s and  16h 02m 17.23s, while the declination coordinates are between −0.47° and −30.00°. Libra /ˈliːbrə/ is a constellation of the zodiac and is located in the Southern celestial hemisphere. Click on each star to see more details about it. The ancient Greeks visualized Libra’s stars as the “claws” of the neighboring constellation Scorpius. [b], Libra is home to the Gliese 581 planetary system, which consists of the star Gliese 581, three confirmed planets, and two unconfirmed planets. [6] It only became a constellation in ancient Rome, when it began to represent the scales held by Astraea, the goddess of justice, associated with Virgo in the Greek mythology. Its stars are faint; the brightest star, Zubeneschamali (Arabic for “northern claw,” as it was earlier regarded as part of Scorpius; also called Beta Librae), has a magnitude of 2.6. For other uses, see. in the constellation of Libra, complete Check out our libra constellation selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our prints shops. [6] Libra's status as the location of the equinox earned the equinox the name "First Point of Libra", though this location ceased to coincide with the constellation in 730 because of the precession of the equinoxes. In English language this constellation is also known as "The Balance" while in astronomical It is represented by a woman (sometimes identified with Astraea, the Roman goddess of justice), holding a balance scale or by the balance alone. It is a loose cluster, 50,000 light-years from Earth; it is fairly large and has an integrated magnitude of 9. The table below lists Three star systems are known to have planets. Libra / ˈ l iː b r ə / is a constellation of the zodiac and is located in the Southern celestial hemisphere.Its name is Latin for weighing scales, and its symbol is (Unicode ♎). Weather studies show that tidally locked planets may still have the ability to support life. and Geminus (1st century B.C. 23 Librae (the 23th star in the constellation of Libra based on the Flamsteed catalog). Here we provide a simplified sky chart of the Libra constellation. The list includes objects from the Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. History: Libra was known in the Babylonian astronomy as MUL Zibanu, their … From shop KatoBakingSupplies. [14][15], Libra is home to one bright globular cluster, NGC 5897. brightest stars in the Libra constellation. The table below lists (*) HR stands for Harvard Revised Bright Star Catalogue, which is also known as the Yale Catalogue of Bright Stars. Libra (The Balance) Constellation. Libra (pronounced ˈlaɪbrə, ˈliː-) is the Latin name [7], In ancient Egypt the three brightest stars of Libra (α, β, and σ Librae) formed a constellation that was viewed as a boat. There is an optical companion to Iota Librae; 25 Librae is a star of magnitude 6.1, 219 light-years from Earth and visible in binoculars. For instance: