III, 16/10/20 Yet the next track changes that mood completely, with a much more dystopian mood invoked throughout “Exit The Soul” that reflects perfectly the mindset in Great Britain at the moment. Because it’ll end up in my Top Albums of 2020, for sure. SLAUGHTER CLUB - PADERNO DUGNANO (MI), 15/10/20 They have amped up the psych and post-rock influences on ‘Habits’, and this really suits the band as they become more experimental – adding the influence of bands like Deftones and Pink Floyd to expand their groovy, doom sound. What bloody happened mate ?! If Elephant Tree are reading – I’d quite happily take an ambient album of just that as well! The Great Hatred, 16/10/20 Favorite Track / More nuanced, with slightly more effects, it feels even more celestial. LEGEND CLUB - MILANO, 17/10/20 We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. But it’s not just riffs on display here. CALIFORNIA CLIMBING - ARCO (TN), 17/10/20 Created More Fuzz ! FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE + EX DEO Well, there’s a particular crispness to the tone of the guitars, which you often don’t get with fuzzy stoner doom. I bought this after one listen through headphones. SILVERA Mixing up psych and metal to refreshing effect, Elephant Tree's Habits is a wonkily likeable record, finds Tom Coles. “The Fall Chorus” is infused with heaps of early progressive rock and folk tones, with a brilliant string section following forlorn lyrics. This four-member band certainly creates a lot of noise (something we particularly love here), yet how does it differ from every other band? Firstly, this has been billed as a ‘doom’ or ‘stoner’ record, as Elephant Tree‘s self-titled debut on Magnetic Eye Records was extremely heavy, if also backed up by melody and a hefty dose of blues. You guys also remembered how I praised the vocals in their last album. cover photograph by Alex Kozobolis Noisy … Because they crafted something unique and beautiful. When you need a bowl of fresh air but you can’t because you are quarantined inside your house…. A wonderful, peaceful folk song with guitar arpeggios and violins. NERO DI MARTE + ABATON + OTTONE PESANTE because I wanted to share with every music lovers my fuzzy discoveries. It’s an album that should rocket Elephant Tree out of the underground, and straight into the mainstream rock world. Elephant Tree recorded ‘Habits’ in The Church Studios – famous for producing artists like Adele, Nick Cave, and U2 – and it’s paid off nicely, with many songs sounding huge, and often beautiful. L`IMPERO DELLE OMBRE The band crunch through massive riff after massive riff, each one smashing through your speakers and occasionally stopping you in your tracks. Because you want to discover what the “Post-Stoner” or “Doom-Gaze” sounds like .